How To Obtain Certificate of Income In Cape Verde

How To Obtain Certificate of Income In Cape Verde

  • To apply personally for the certificate, visit the Directorate General of Contributions and Inpostos (DGCI) office or any other office that is suitable. For a search of locations to submit your application
  • Make sure you submit all the necessary documents and pay for the appropriate fee.

Documents that are required Obtain Certificate of Income

In person, you can get the certificate:

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN);
  • Identification
  • Authorization to Act (in the case that you’re applying through the legal representative)


  • You’ll be required to use both your password and username

Office Locations and Contacts

Cape Verde Government Website

Local Contact numbers

What Are All The Eligibility

Who can apply to receive the certificate:

  • The registered taxpayer or the representative of the taxpayer
  • Any public institution


The certificate must be obtained personally:

  • The DGCI: 2120 ECV
  • Citizen’s Center: 600 ECV

On-line: 600 ECV


This certificate can be obtained in person and then shortly on the internet.

To be able to apply for the certificate , you need to register with the Director of Taxation (DGCI) as taxpayer.

If you’d like to get the certificate on the internet:

  • You must be registered with DGCI as an individual taxpayer

You must be registered on the Portal Porton di In Island

The document is needed

The certificate of income is utilized to prove your business activities. It displays rental or industrial income , as well as the identification of tax-debts that remain unpaid. The document is typically required when applying to borrow money, purchase residence permit, visa or studies, scholarships, etc.

External Links

  • Cape Verde Government Web Portal:,188596&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_dominio=25&p_menu=28&p_item=131&p_ent_det=693#



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