How to Obtain Certificate of Need to Import Used Vehicle In Uruguay

Obtain Certificate of Need to Import Used Vehicle In Uruguay By online

  • Go to the relevant authority.
  • The application form must be filled in with the complete details.
  • Send the required documents.
  • Pay the fee as per the schedule.

Required Documents For  Obtain Certificate of Need to Import Used Vehicle 

  • Application Note
  • Corresponding invoice

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining
National Industries
Montevideo, Montevideo
The address is 2nd Sarand in EP 690 D
Hours Income documentation from Monday through Friday, 0900-1530 Retirement documents Monday through Friday, between 900 and 1600
Call 2916 2411
Table Entry


Fee of 0.2 U.R. is payable in the Treasury MIEM, also known as the an uncentralized collection system.

Documents to Utilize

Form to be used

The Document is required

This page will provide details on how to get an official certificate of need to import used vehicles into Uruguay.



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