How to Apply for Certificate for Procurement of Explosives In Uruguay

Apply for Certificate for Procurement of Explosives In Uruguay By online

  1. Check out the National Directorate for Mines and Geology’s Office.
  2. Fill out your application on time. MiemDinamige
  3. Submit form.
  4. Make the payment.

Required Documents For Apply for Certificate for Procurement of Explosives

  • exploration permit form

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Industry, Energy and MiningNational Directorate of Mines and Geology
Hervidero 2861
Tel: 2200 1951



The applicant should be given the concession to exploit, as well as the applicant should be granted an Exploration Permit with Section 97.


The cost is $225.


  • The application form may be completed by hand or via proxy or email or fax.

Documentation is needed

Here are the steps on how you can apply for Certificate of Procurement of Explosives for Uruguay. This certificate authorizes the purchase of explosives and accessories from the Material and Equipment Service of the Ministry of National Defense.

External Links

Certificate for Procurement of Explosives:



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