How to Obtain Copy of Certificate of Live Birth In Uruguay

Obtain Copy of Certificate of Live Birth In Uruguay By Online

  • For the copy of the birth certificate The applicant has the option of going in person to office or or call the office, or either fax or email.
  • Provide the required documents or proof of identity.
  • The original birth certificate is then delivered to you.

Required Documents For Obtain Copy of Certificate of Live Birth 

  • identification proof (with photocopy)
  • evidence documents

Office Locations and Contacts

Directorate General for Public Health, Ministry of Health of Health
In Montevideo:
Ministry of Public Health

  • 18th July 1992, 4th floor Office 407
  • Telephone: 23 2400 2877 internal
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 16:30


Uruguay citizen: Person affected parent or guardian


There is no cost in getting the certificate of birth.

The Document is required

The Certificate of Live Birth (CHLB) is an official document that confers certain rights under certain circumstances, is that are required by the person who is in question. Here are the steps for obtaining the certification for live births in Uruguay.

External Links

Request for Copy of Certificate of Live Birth:



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