How to Obtain License for Celebrating Marriage in Place of Worship In Uganda

Obtain License for Celebrating Marriage in Place of Worship In Uganda By Online

  1. Make an Application letter addressed to the Honourable Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs (MOIJA) by contacting the Registrar General asking for permission to hold wedding ceremonies at a religious place
  2. The letter of application should be submitted along with all necessary documents and proof of payment of application fee.
  3. Your request will be reviewed and then processed. If it is approved, it will receive the certificate to hold your wedding in the religious venue you have asked for.

Required Documents For Obtain License for Celebrating Marriage in Place of Worship

  • A registration certificate as an entity legal.
  • Certified copy of title or evidence of ownership of the land by way of an agreement for sale or tenancy.
  • A certified copy of the approved building plans.
  • An official copy of an occupational license.
  • A list of celebrants as well as their credentials.
  • A report of inspection from the registry officer for weddings, or from the principal administrator
  • Documentation of the settlement of Ug. Shs 200,000/$ into the consolidate fund (by method of receipt by the bank)
  • Wedding celebrants who are ordained for the place of worship (religious leaders such as reverends, pastors, priests and any clergy that is recognized by this faith)

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Registration Services Bureau

Address: Plot 5 George Street, Georgian House,
P.O. PO Box 6848 Kampala Uganda
Phone: +256 414 233 219
Call the center at +256 417 338 100.
What’s app: +256 712 448 448
Toll free: 0800 100 006
Fax: +256 414 250 712

Others branches

Posta Uganda Main office,
Kampala Street Booth 2. and 3.
UIA Offices, Twed Plaza
(1st Floor) Lumumba Avenue.
Nakivubo – Sekaziga House Floor 1, Nakivubo mews.
Mbale – Plot 3, Park Crescent.

Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

Mbarara- Plot 1, Kamukuzi Hill
Gulu — Plot 6B Princess Road
Arua – Plot 42/44 Packwach road

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)

P.O BOX 7279
TEL: 0417-442054
Website: URA


  • Any couple who plan to marry in a religious setting


The URSB fee for civil registration


  • The validity of the licenses ends when the marriage ceremony has been conducted in the place of worship


Weddings in licensed places of worship, supervised by a recognized minister.

  • The Minister can grant permission to any church or other public space to be used as a location to hold wedding ceremonies and can at any point revoke such licenceand in any event, he or she will notify the public in the Gazette. Uganda registration services
  • Please be aware This is a provisional list since some churches may be currently preparing to apply for to receive licenses. The list doesn’t include congregations belonging to traditional denominations who received blanket licenses to all their branches prior to 1957.
  • The public is warned that it is against the law to conduct a ceremony of a church wedding in a non-licensed location of worship. Ministers of the church who celebrate marriages in locations that aren’t licensed are advised to refrain from doing so since it is a crime that is punishable under law.
  • Non-intentionally or not, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) that the wedding will be celebrated in doors open between eight hours in the morning and six o’clock in afternoon and in presence of at least two witnesses, in addition to that of the minister officiating.

Requirements Information

  • The full names of the couple
  • Location/area in which the wedding ceremony will be held
  • Noms and addresses of the religios leaders who will conduct the ceremony
  • The religion of the couple
  • The full names of parents of the couple.
  • Address of the couple’s residential address
  • The couple’s postal address or email
  • Name of the place of worship that will host the ceremony. place.

Documentation is needed

  • The licenses permit legal access for couples who are planning to get married at a place of worship, as required by the law.

Information that could be helpful

Ministers are not permitted to be a celebrant of marriage in case of impediment, or without license, etc..

A minister should not be able to celebrate any wedding ceremony if he/she is aware of any legal limitation to the marriage or until the couple has presented their registrar’s certification or the Minister’s license.

Location of wedding ceremony.

A minister is not permitted to celebrate any wedding ceremony unless it is in the premises that have been authorized from the minister, or in the locations as the Minister’s license can require.

External Links

ursbUganda revenue authority
Uganda civil registration


  • In Article 18 in the constitution, it requires that the Government of Uganda to register every marriage that takes place in Uganda. It is the Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is the Government Agency responsible for this job. URSB is the one to enforce all laws that govern weddings in Uganda.
  • This includes granting licenses to places of worship for purpose of celebrating Marriages and the establishment of a central registry of marriages through the recording of all marriages that are celebrated in Uganda.



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