How to Obtain License for Foreign owned vessels In Uganda

Obtain License for Foreign owned vessels In Uganda By Online

  1. An application for a permit for a fishing vessel from a foreign country is to be presented at the office of the Chief Fisheries Officer on the prescribed format.
    • Before you can begin to engage in fishing you should get in touch with the directorate for fishing Ministry of Agriculture Animal industry and fisheries in order to determine if hiring a foreign-owned vessel is permitted in a specific sector of fishing and what paperwork is required.
  2. Request the foreign fishing vessel’s licence from the chief fisheries officer of the Ministry of Agriculture animal industry and fisheries.
    • A vessel licence which is used or held by a non-citizens shall be subject to the conditions that can be imposed by the chief Fisheries officer.
    • It is not unlawful for anyone who is not a resident from Uganda to fish using hand line or angling from any vessel , regardless of whether the vessel is licensed or not.
  3. The applicant should take and complete all of the forms below from the Chief Fisheries Officer of the Directorate fisheries Ministry of agriculture animal industry and fisheries. Then, fill out the application form for a licence to operate a foreign owned vessel.
  4. Include all documents required to the application form, and the application form should include.
    • Copy of the Certificate of Registry
    • Declaration of Ownership Certification
    • Completed Crew Declaration Form
    • Waiver certificates that are applicable
    • Cabotage license
    • Certificate of Tonnage Measurement
    • Shipping for Passengers Safety Certificate
    • Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
    • Certificate for Ship Safety Equipment
    • Certificate of the Minimum Safety Manning
    • International Safety Management Certificate
  5. The directorate of fisheries will confirm and examine the form of application submitted based on the following factors:
  6. The Directorate of fisheries in Uganda may issue a fishing vessel license in the event that
    • (a) He has concluded that there are resources from fishing that are surplus for the Uganda fishing industry that could be harvested in accordance with the licence and
    • (b) the licensee has determined the amount of surplus that can be collected and indicate the amount as a condition of the license.
  7. A licence for a foreign fishing vessel is subject to a condition that requires it to adhere to any management measures that could be in place from time-to-time and to pay specific fees, royalties or other charges.
  8. Make the payment as per the fee schedule to the bank account:
  9. Following confirmation of Directorate of Fisheries, upon verification by Directorate of Fisheries that there is sufficient resource fishery surplus within the Uganda Fishing industry, the applicant is now able to comply with management procedures for paying fee for registration.
    • The issue of commercial fishing licenses or permits are contingent on the payment of a fee.
    • Criteria for determining the amount to be paid to licensing authorities differ between countries.
    • They could be related to the amount of tonnage the vessel can carry. or, a combination of a number of factors or many elements (e.g. engine power and the type of gear)
  10. Before engaging in any activity you should get in touch with Uganda Maritime Authority (UMA) located in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Uganda (see the contact details below) to determine if hiring vessels from abroad is allowed in the particular sector , and what documents are required.
  11. The person who applies for an Licence must meet the following requirements for obtaining a license international fishing boats.
    • The applicant should demonstrate ways to use to regulate the handling, storage , and processing of fish using prescribed methods of storage, handling as well as processing.
    • Provide the procedures to be employed for the inspection of processing establishments as well as fish products in line with the established standards.
    • Control and management of fishing waters and ports.
    • Demonstrate the techniques used for of handling the transport, processing, or selling fish products.
    • Give the Authority the procedure to be used in coordinating and regulating the distribution and marketing of fish;
    • It is necessary to permit an inscription of marks private which can be used to identify the owner of fishing equipment;
    • How to stop or limit the importation, exportation or introduction in Uganda or the introduction into Uganda of fish that is alive of all species or kind.
    • The license of a vessel can be subject to registration prior to the vessel in either the registry of vessels maintained by the shipping authorities or in an individual list of vessels that fish kept by the fisheries authorities designated in the law on fisheries. Registration is mandatory in Uganda.
  12. Foreign owned vessels are one that is registered with a flag-state of another nation (not Ugandan). You need to apply for a foreign-owned vessel licence with the Uganda Maritime Authority (UMA) within Uganda’s Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in Uganda.
    • In order for the vessel to be licensed, it must be in the joint venture of a Ugandan right-holder. For that vessel to get licensed to operate, you need to fill out an application form to apply for an authorization to catch according to the industry that the vessel will be operating.
    • In general, applications for a permit or licence on behalf of a vessel is presented to the authorities responsible by the charterer or owner or charterer of the vessel.
  • NB.If you would like your vessel to be able to catch fish in the oceans in the high seas throughout your charter time, you need to fill out this form. High Seas application form

Required Documents For Obtain License for Foreign owned vessels

  • The proof of proprietorship or partnership individuals
  • National identity cards
  • Tax number of the national tax system
  • A certified copy of the memorandum and articles of association * certificate of incorporation
  • Certificate of beginning of business
  • Director’s list
  • Original copy of the deed to ownership, or documents
  • Builders’ certificate
  • The certified transcription of the registry prior to the time of its registration or another document that shows the previous ownership as well as it’s bill of sale
  • An original copy of the entire period Tonnage certificate.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries(MAAIF)Directorate of Fisheries
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources
Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 320 006
Contact Email:
Site: Ministry of Agriculture


  • You must be 18 years old or older.
  • You must be a BMU members.
  • Possess legal fishing gears as well as equipment.
  • A large size Fishing Boat.
  • Work permit issued by Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • An applicant must be non-citizens engaged in fish vessel activities to receive this license.
  • Companies and vessels that are that are eligible for registration
  • The vessel is a Foreign flagged vessel
  • A company owned and controlled by citizens of other countries that operate a vessel and shipping company.
  • A shipping company owned jointly by the nationals of other countries and Uganda Vessel owned by nationals of Uganda and where the share ownership of Ugandan citizens is less than 60%.
  • The crew of the vessel is comprised of Ugandan officers and seafarers.
  • Company and vessel have a subsisting arrangement with a company in ;
  • The Vessel and company which receive Ministerial Waiver.


  • Application fee: 10,000/=
  • Licence fee Permit 2,000,000(or more)


Valid for one year

Documents to Utilize

Applications for Permission

Processing Time

Processing time is maximum for 2 days.


  • A fishing vessel’s licence must be exclusive to who owns the boat as of date of issue and cannot be transferred or transferred or assigned.
  • Anyone who isn’t the national from Uganda that, in reasons of fishing, makes use of any vessel that is licensed under the Act except if he has an appropriate special licence is guilty of an offense against the Fish Act.
  • Anyone who isn’t citizens of Uganda can fish in any water of Uganda to the intent of selling fish without having an appropriate specific license granted for this reason.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the ship.
  • The time and location of purchase
  • Name of the master;
  • Most accurate details in relation to the tonnage, construction and description of the ship
  • Sale bill;
  • Deletion certificate;
  • Documentation for P&I (protection as well as Indemnity)insurance coverage of the vessel;
  • Curving and marking mark of the vessel.
  • Certificate of Tonnage Measurement
  • Approval of vessel name; and
  • International Tonnage Certificate.
  • The name and the address of the Ship’s managers;
  • Survey report on condition and measurement of tonnage certificate
  • Certificate of carving; marking of the vessel;
  • Call to sign the certificate.
  • Load line certificate;
  • Experience or ability of the buyer to operate and maintain the ship;
  • The log book for the ship.

The Document is required

  • The reason for the permit is to limit the amount of foreigners fishing in Uganda water bodies , and also to provide job opportunities in the hands of (local) Ugandan citizens.
  • The term “foreign fishing vessel” refers to one which is registered with a different country’s Flag State (not Ugandan). You need to submit an application for a fishing boat permit through Uganda’s Department of Agriculture, Uganda Maritime Authority. A valid licence issued under the Act is a requirement to be able to register on one of the cottage registers located in Uganda.
  • To be licensed, it need to be in the joint venture of a Ugandan fishermen’s right holders. For that vessel to get approved to operate, you need to fill out an application form to apply for a catch permit in accordance with the area in which the vessel is expected to fish. If you would like your vessel to be able to operate on oceans above the high tide during your charter time then you need to fill out this High Seas request form.
  • Uganda Maritime Authority Regulates and ensures the safety of navigation, in accordance with International Conventions and regulations. Assist Uganda as a member of International Maritime Organizations and those concerned with safety of the maritime environment. Technical cooperation with all international ports and nations and provide maritime assistance and assistance to all vessels involved in the Ugandan territorial conflict.
  • You are only able to hire the vessel in exceptional circumstances for fishing activities.
  • The Minister of Transport will approve the issuance of licenses to foreign-owned vessels to be used for coastal shipping as well as the granting of waivers in general. Uganda Maritime Authority (UMA) is the focal point for the nation to oversee Cabotage application and enforce.

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