How to Obtain Liquor License or permit In Uganda

Obtain Liquor License or permit In Uganda By Yourself

  1. Start by going to first the Uganda registry service bureau Licensing Offices to make your application for a liquor license. You can also go to Plot 5 George Street, Georgian House, Kampala so that you can begin the application process.You may also visit their website at their website at the link below. Licensing portal.
  2. Based on the nature and kind of application you are submitting, you will receive applications forms to fill out.
  3. Fill in the necessary information and attach your documents to the application form.
  4. After submitting your application, the licensed officer will visit your premises for inspections to determine if your business premises is in compliance with the type of license you’re applying for.
  5. The data gathered during the inspection will be compiled for discussion by the directorate in order to decide on the cost to be charged for the license as well as the approval of the permit.
    • In the event that is the Licensing Bureau after considering the request will inform the applicant in writing whether it object to the granting of the license requested.
    • If the directorate is not in objection to the request, it will grant a license to the applicant on the payment of the fee prescribed.
  6. Pay the fee for application. The amount varies according to the kind of the license you wish to obtain.
  7. After you have made the payment after which you will receive your liquor license is issued and the customer will then be notified to pick it up from the office of dispatch.
  8. Once you have obtained the license , you can display it in your premises for business in accordance with the law.

Required Documents For Obtain Liquor License or permit

  1. Identification card.
  2. PIN certificate
  3. Certificate of health (Department of Health Services ‘ clearance)
  4. Fire clearance.
  5. National Medical stores certificate
  6. Ministry of Health certificate
  7. The proof of payment.
  8. The details of concerning the license authority.
  9. Particular premises in which the business will be conducted.
  10. Document indicating the number of alcohol to be sold.

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Registration Services BureauPlot 5 George Street, Georgian House, Kampala
P.O.Box 848 Kampala Uganda
URSB General Line: +256 414 233 21
Call Center Contact Number: +256 417338 100
URSB Fax +256 414 250 712
Website:Uganda registration bureau

  • Contact details scroll down at the bottom of the page.


  1. An individual who intends to manufacture or create any type of alcohol drink.
  2. Someone who plans to run an establishment that sells of alcohol-based drinks.
  3. Someone who plans to export or import any drink that is alcoholic.

Anyone who wants to get a Liquor License must meet the following requirements.

  1. You must have reached the age of 18 years ;( 18 years).
  2. Has not been convicted of an offense in accordance with sections 2 and 7(3)(a) (a) or 2 of the Liquor Act within the period of two years preceding the date of their demand for Licence;
  3. The applicant should not be considered as a bankrupt and had not had, as of the time of his or filing, been granted a discharge or signed a contract of agreement with his or her creditors or
  4. The applicant must have an import or export licence that is valid or Liquor manufacturing licence issued to him or her pursuant to the rules under Part III of the Act.


  • The fees for licences are determined by the liquid quantities allowed to be imported, manufactured, or exported in a month.


  • It is valid for one year , and can be renewed at any time.

Processing Time

  • The process can take 30 days.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. Physical address and postal address of the applicant
  3. The name by which the property is identified
  4. The type of license that is required
  5. Kind of business (Sole proprietorship , Partnership, or Limited Liability Company)
  6. Registration number for business.

The Document is required

  • Manage bond securities that are issued to protect of customs revenue as well as in conformity with the requirements of the EAC-CMA as well as Regulations

Information that can be useful

  • This license permits the licensee to sell non-spiritual liquor wholesale or at retail that can be consumed at or off premises during when it is 12.45 p.m. until two p.m. and between 5 p.m. between 10 and p.m.
  • The law further states that the hotel’s management can sell non-spiritual liquor to guests of the hotel in their rooms or the lounge for residents at anytime.
  • The off-licence holder is able to sell alcohol between the hours between 7.30 a.m. between 5.30 p.m. non-spiritual liquor, either retail or wholesale that is consumed outside the premises. The off-licence is only issued to retail stores for wholesale or retail trade or for wholesale and retail sales and storage facilities that are separate.
  • 5. Paragraph 5 in the Schedule stipulates the wholesale liquor license authorizes the sale of non-spirituous alcohol wholesale between 7.30 a.m. between 5.30 p.m
  • A license for travelling wholesale allows the sale of liquor wholesale between 7.30 a.m. between 5.30 p.m. at the vehicle of or for the owner of the wholesale liquor licence within any part of Uganda stipulated by the licence.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • The person who keeps the liquor the liquor for sale or offer to sell or sell liquor, unless it is pursuant to a permit or license for selling liquor, or the authority of a manufacturer’s licence.
  • It is unlawful for a person to solicit or receive orders to sell liquor unless they are the owner of a permit or license to sell liquor, or unless the person holds an authorization to represent the manufacturer

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