How to Obtain Motor Insurance In Morocco

Obtain Motor Insurance In Morocco By Online

Step 1:The primary step to take is contact any motor insurance broker in Morocco in order to evaluate the requirements of your motor insurance before they refer you to the right insurance company. Insurance booths are found in a variety of locations in Morocco as well as in the Air port.

Step 2:select the precise kinds of polices that you are looking to purchase. Fill out the form to propose the policies you’ll be taking out for your vehicle.You are able to select the kinds of polices that you are interested in buying, and the amount of coverage you want. Certain kinds of insurance come with specific deductibles you are able to choose.

Step 3: Give the documents to support your address and name, together with the year, year of manufacture, as well as the model car you’d like to insure. Make sure you are completely accurate in the information you input in order to get the best price. The forms will also contain the option to input your driver’s license number as well as your birth date and any restrictions you see on your driver’s licence. Certain of these details will be used to conduct an examination of your driving history up to the last 10 years. In the event of any road offenses on your driving record the premium to rise.

Step 4:You are now able to conduct an evaluation of the vehicle Be aware that the greater deductible you select, and the lower the maximum amount of coverage you choose, the lower the cost of your insurance could be.

Step 5: Read and comprehend the policy before you sign the form.

Step 6: You must sign the policy document Once you’ve completed all of the necessary details, and have completed the reading and understanding, then you can forward this document to the Ministry of Equipment, Transport and Logistics.

Step 7: After you submit the form, the price for each kind of insurance will be instantly calculated and you will be able to choose the amount that you payment for the motor insurance

Required Documents For Obtain Motor Insurance

  • National identity card
  • Logbook of the motor vehicle
  • Number of the driver’s license
  • Pay slips;

Office Locations and Contact

The Kingdom of Morocco Kingdom of Morocco

Ministry of Equipment and Transport


All vehicles used in Morocco are eligible and need to be insured before they can be able to operate on Moroccan roads.


1 year

Processing Time

In less than 30 minutes


  • Drivers must be aware that in Morocco, when you are stopped by the police and are found to not have a motor car insurance policy, you are at possibility of having your vehicle confiscated on the spot.
  • It is crucial to go over your insurance policy to ensure that you know all the details as every policy is different.

The insurance for autos third party is essential in Morocco.

  • When purchasing a motor insurance policy, it is important to conduct your research prior to purchasing the best option, to ensure you get the the most profit in case anything happens to your vehicle.
  • Thus, prior to buying the insurance you want, you must make sure you’ve review the policy’s declaration of the product (PDS) because it will tell you about your rights. It is essential to read it as you don’t expect to receive any shocking surprise when you file claims for injuries.

Requirements Information

  • ‘green card’
  • Identification proof
  • Documentation of ownership of the vehicle.
  • Provide a few details in order to get your no-cost quote
  • Driver’s license number
  • Your birth date,
  • The restrictions printed on your driver’s licence.

The Document is required

Based on the specific factors that may affect the process, Moroccan people who own motorized vehicles must show proof of insurance coverage. Sometimes , there are legal requirements for liability insurance as well as other institutions that may need proof of collision as well as comprehensive insurance policies. The law obliges all motor vehicles to be covered by insurance within Morocco and the insurance is intended to protect against the financial losses, theft damage, and third party liability. Third party policies protect against any injuries or damages caused by your negligence to vehicles belonging to others. Likewise the fire and theft policies will protect you against your own loss.

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