How to Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate In India

Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate In India By Yourself

When a taxpayer has paid all tax obligations or isn’t liable to pay tax, an tax clearance certificate can be issued by tax authorities. Tax authorities will issue a tax clearance certificate to applicants who plead.

  • The applicant should visit the office of the Tax Accessing officer.
  • Download the tax clearance, or download it using the hyperlink Form 34A.
  • Fill out the form in full with any required documentation.
  • Authority will review the details submitted. If all the information is correct the application will be approved and processed.
  • Assessing officer issues the tax clearance certificate after the basis of ensuring that there aren’t any outstanding tax arrears.
  • The applicant will receive the declaration in Form 30B from the department according to announcement and according to the norms for delivery.

Required Documents For Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate

  • Application form
  • A copy of the PAN card
  • Copy of the income tax return(s)
  • A copy of the tax withholding document issued by employer
  • An ‘affidavit’ stating relevant details like passport number/validity, bank details etc.
  • A copy of the passport and visa
  • A letterhead of the employer’s signature stating the exact amount of taxes that are deposited on behalf these expatriates
  • Copy of the employment contract
  • Copy of ticket to the airport.
  • Identity Documentation
  • Address Documentation
  • Form 16
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Please provide further details or documents as authorities provide.

Office Locations and Contacts

Revenue Tax DepartmentNorth Block Secretariat Building,
New Delhi -110002 .
Contact Link: link


The person who has income through any sources in India and falls under the EAC assessment


The fees or charges may be determined by the tax accessing authority.


Tax Clearance Certificates are valid for one month after the issue date, or in the time specified in the certificate.


  • An application must be submitted on an approved form in a prescribed form Income Tax Authority having jurisdiction to assess the assessee to issue the Tax clearance certification.
  • It is exchanged for a final tax clearance certificates at the Foreign Department that is part of the Income Tax Department.
  • The Tax Clearance certificate is valid for one month after the issue date. It is required to receive confirmation of a booking with an agency or airline and could need to be provided by the customs officials in the terminal.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the Applicant
  • Applicant Address
  • What is the purpose behind the requirement of TCC
  • PAN Number
  • Tax Number

Documentation is needed

  • Anyone Indian resident who is leaving the country of India is required to get an tax clearance certificate issued by the Income Tax Authority that states that he doesn’t have any tax liabilities in India.
  • It’s an empowering and necessary document to ensure a satisfactory provisions for the payment of taxes to be paid under the Income Tax Act for applicants.
  • Anyone who is traveling to another country will need this document prior to departure at Indian Airport.

Information that could be helpful

A non-resident of India who has come to India for the purpose of employment/business/profession and who holds income derived from any source in India must obtain a tax clearance certificate before leaving the country. The certificate is available by the person who employs or through whom the person earns the income.

Other uses of the document or certificate

The reason for a tax clearance certificates is to verify that any taxes that are due were paid.

External Links

  1. income tax clearance certificate
  2. The tax clearance document assures the tax has been paid



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