How to Online Firm Registration In India

Step 1:

The first step is to ensure that all necessary documents are available for online application. You should scan these documents and save them in your computer’s storage area to be able to access them. If you’d like learn more about the required documents for this procedure, go to the following website : Required Documents for Registration of a Firm

Step 2:

Use the link below which will bring you to the below screen. Visit the following link : Online Portal.

Step 3:

An additional screen will be displayed in which the user can enter their information as per the prompts. Click the “Search” tab, which appears highlighted in RED in the image below.

Step 4:

Based on the name of the company’s available, a popup window showing the warning “Entered name of the company/LLP is not available” is displayed. If the name has already been registered, then the list of registered companies is displayed. Check out the image below.

Register a Firm or Company India 2.gif 5 Step 5:

Once the company’s name is found, then the user should choose “Forms and Documents” area. Take a look at the image below where it’s highlighted in RED. Look through the options. Select and download the application form as needed.

Register a Firm or Company India 03.gif 6. 6:

In this webpage, users must utilize”MCA Services” menu “MCA Services” menu to access information, acts , and rules concerning registration of firms. Check out the image below which is marked in “Yellow”.

Register a Firm or Company India 6.gif Step 7:

When you have your information and form in hand, make use of your “Contacts” menu. Then then select the “Registrar of Companies” option to get the relevant ROR contact details. Contact them with the information and follow their instructions to register your company. Take a look at the image below which is marked in “Yellow”.

Step 8:

Fill the form you downloaded and then submit it to the authorities in charge together with the necessary documents.

Step 9:

Finally , the incorporation of the business is completed. The applicant will receive MOA along with a certification.



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