How to Online Register with State Employment Exchange In India

Step 1:

It is the first step to ensure that all required documents are available to fill out an application online. If you’d like to be aware of the required documents for this process, please follow the link : Required Documents for applying to the State Employment Exchange

Step 2:

Use the link below to fill out an online application : Apply Online.

Step 3:

In the following page Please click on the “New User? Sign up” tab that is highlighted in pink in the image below to sign up. If you’re already an existing user, then you can you can enter your credentials in the correct order and click the “Sign in” tab which is highlighted in red.

Step 4:

If you click the “New User? Sign up” tab You will be taken to the webpage that you must pick “jobseeker” on the drop-down menu and then click on the “Register As” option to access the registration page.

India employment exchange 2.gifStep 5 :

Please follow the page’s prompts with all the relevant information. After you have completed the form for registration, please click the “Submit” tab. It appears highlighted in RED in the image below.

India employment exchange 3.gifStep 6 :

Users will now receive a confirmation an email confirming successful registration on their mobile number as well as their email ID that they given during registration. Enter that OTP into the textbox, and then click on the “Verify” tab which is highlighted with RED in the image below.

India employment exchange 4.gifStep 7 :

After the confirmation by OTP, after verification of the OTP, NCS ID will be displayed on the screen. Then click “here” to open your login screen.

India employment exchange 5.gifStep 8 :

You will now be on the homepage. Login with the credentials for login as per the the login information provided by the “Login” session located in the upper right-hand corner of the page. You can browse your options using the options offered. For more effective results, enter the appropriate keywords and locations to your needs and click “Search” tab which is highlighted by RED in the image below.



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