How to Refund of Tax on Purchases of Goods, Works or Services by Diplomats In Morocco

Refund of Tax on Purchases of Goods, Works or Services by Diplomats In Morocco By Online

  1. Visit The Office of General Directorate of Taxes.
  2. Bring all documents required.
  3. Show the documents.

Required Documents For Refund of Tax on Purchases of Goods, Works or Services by Diplomats

  • Formulary for application AAC141, along with the list of products, services or works purchased AAC142 form.
  • Purchase invoices are written under the names of diplomats

Office Locations and Contacts

General Directorate of Taxes

Tel: 0537 – 27-90-60/61/62Fax: 0537-77-55-76

Finance Minister Economy and Finance

Tel: + (212) 5
Fax: + (212) 5

Other contact numbers for the directorate of taxes


The person who is at fault.


Twenty-Fourth Stamp DHS

Processing Time

It can take less than two months to pay back the tax.

The Document is required

Here are the steps for refunding taxes on purchases of items or works from diplomats.

External Links

Request for reimbursement of the tax paid for purchases of products or works made by diplomats:



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