How to Apply for Tax Clearance Certificate In Morocco

Apply for Tax Clearance Certificate In Morocco By Online

  1. Visit The Office of General Directorate of Taxes.
  2. Bring all the necessary documents.
  3. Then, present the documents

Required Documents For Apply for Tax Clearance Certificate

  • A tax application that identifies your tax identification code of the person who is the taxpayer

Office Locations and Contacts

General Directorate of Taxes

Tel: 0537 – 27-90-60/61/62Fax: 0537-77-55-76

The Minister for Economy and Finance

Tel: + (212) 5
Fax: + (212) 5

Other contact numbers of the directorate of taxes


There is no charge for the application to obtain a tax clearance certification.

Processing Time

A tax clearance certificates is processed within 24 hours.

The document is needed

The tax Clearance Certificate is a written confirmation from Revenue that a person’s fiscal matters are in good order on the date of issuance on the certificate.

The following are the steps to follow in order to submit an application for an Application for a Tax Clearance Certificate in Morocco.

External Links

Certificate of tax clearance



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