How to Register a Birth In Madagascar

Register a Birth In Madagascar By Online

This can be done at the register office in your area in the region in which you were born, or in the hospital prior to when the mother’s departure. The hospital will inform you whether you are able to record the birth at that location.

Required Documents For Register a Birth

It is recommended to bring at minimum one form of identification in order to visit the registration office. Bring:

  • Passport
  • Birth certificate of birth
  • deed-poll
  • Driving license
  • evidence to prove address (e.g. utility bill)
  • Council Tax bill
  • marriage certificate or certificate of civil partnership

You might require proof of paternity from your other parent prior to giving their information if they’re not traveling to the registry office along with you.

Office Locations and Contacts

Centre de Diagnostic de TananariveLot IVL – 176 Anosivavaka,
Tel: +261 2230760

Clinic Saint Francois d’Assise
Lalana Dokotera Rajaonale,
Tel: +261 2223095
Fax: +261 2223095

Hopital Josephe Ravoahangy
Tel: +261 2227979

Hospitals in Antananarivo, Madagascar

Hospitals and Clinics


Birth certificates must be filed within twelve days of the date of birth.

Every child must be registered from the time of birth. In Article 7, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) stipulates that the child should be registered right away following birth and has the right to be registered from birth have a name and the right to gain nationality.


It is best to do this at the register office in your area in the region in which you were born, or in the hospital before the mother’s departure. The hospital will let you know whether you are able to record the birth at that location.

The father or mother can record the birth on their own , and include the parents’ names for marriage if they were both married at the time birth or when the baby was conceived.

Requirements Information

  • The place and the date of birthplace and date of the
  • Name name, surname and sex of the child
  • Names of parents, surnames and addresses
  • Dates and places of parents’ birth
  • The date of the parents’ marriage or civil partnership
  • Parents jobs
  • Mother’s maiden surname

Documentation is needed

Birth register is the procedure through which the birth of a child is registered in the civil register of the appropriate authorities of the government. It gives the first official recognition of the child’s birth. It is usually required to get the birth certificate.

Birth registration is a crucial milestone in the child’s life. It is due to the importance of it in giving legal proof of authenticity of the infant. Children who aren’t registered can be unable to exercise their rights as human beings. They have the right to have a identification number and nationality. They also have the right be free from any form of abuse, the right to protection under the justice system for juveniles and access to educational rights, and access to health medical care

Information that could be helpful

The birth registration acts as the formal record for the birth and birthing of a child in an office of government. It’s a permanent record of the status of a person under the law, and it is common to issue birth certificates to prove the birth. If the birth certificate becomes damaged or lost the chances are good to get a replacement copy at the appropriate government office. In certain countries that have a birth certificate, the child is registered by the staff at the hospital or birthing center where the child was born, or the parent can travel on later times to a local government office to record the birth.

If children who are not registered grow up, they could also be denied the privileges of the collective which are available to them as members of society who are equal. They include the right to work such as the chance to work, create a bank account, to get credit, and inheritance rights; family privileges like marriage and social security, welfare benefits as well as pensions; rights in the political realm, such as the right to vote and be a part of civil and political matters.

Other uses for the document/certificate

The significance of birth registration goes beyond the particular child. It is an essential part of the civil registration system that offer information about vital occasions like live birth deaths, foetal deaths and death.

Birth registration information, when appropriately collected, will be a crucial element in the development of a nation’s social and economic development.

External Links


If you are unable to declare the birth within the place in which you were born you may go to a different registry office, and they’ll forward your details to the proper office. If the parents aren’t able to declare for the baby’s birth (e.g. due to medical reasons) Other people may be able to do so:

  • Someone that was there at time of birth
  • the person who is accountable for the child
  • A member of the medical staff of an institution where the baby was born.



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