How To Register a Business In Afghanistan

How To Register a Business In Afghanistan

The process for registering a business in Afghanistan is a seven-day process and costs approximately US $135. The fundamental steps include:

  • Register with the Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR) and get a tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Payment of registration and publication charges on Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) branch
  • Get a business license from AISA
  • Inspections are conducted by the Receiver (AISA)
  • Further information is at

The investor must personally visit AISA office to finish the process of acquiring licenses. If not, a person representing the investor needs to be in AISA to complete this process.

The company must be registered and then obtain a tax Identification Number (TIN) Information of all new companies and investments are received by AISA through AISA’s Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR) office and submitted directly to Ministry of Justice in Kabul to be published on The Official Gazette.

Pay the registration, publication , and license fees. Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA) sends a bill to be paid to the cashier in one of 19 counters in the shop that is one-stop.

You can get the license by contacting AISA

After the application has been accepted and the fee is paid through the cashier at AISA the business license will be obtained by AISA. Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA).

Documents Required Register a Business

  • A form for application (available on the internet)
  • Photocopy of ID or passport from the Director(s)
  • Two sets of passport color photos of the Director(s)
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Tax Identification Form

Office Locations and Contacts

Afghan Investment Support Agency (AISA) Regional Offices Contact Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR)

What Are All The Eligibility

To run legally in Afghanistan you must obtain the license for business. The license is granted through AISA and must be renewed every year. Certain industries, e.g. for instance, the Health Sector, require an additional license from their respective ministry. Both licenses must be obtained prior to launching business operations. Below, you will find information about each AISA license and any other licenses. You should inquire with Investor Support Department whether or whether your business requires a separate license.


The process of registering a business in Afghanistan is about US $135.


Every foreign and domestic company who wishes to legally be operating in Afghanistan requires the approval of a business license. The license is granted by Afghanistan Investment Support agency (AISA) and renewed by the AISA on an annually. However, companies that invest in specific industries like the Health sector, need a separate approval from the respective ministry along with the AISA license before they can begin their business in Afghanistan.

Documents to Utilize

Formulas to register

Processing Time[edit]

The process of registering a business in Afghanistan is completed in seven days.


The Afghan Investment Support Agency (AISA) is the agency responsible for the registration of all domestic and foreign firms in Afghanistan and aiding companies in finding the many lucrative opportunities for investment in Afghanistan.

The Information You Need

  • Name of the business
  • Name of the vice president and president of the business
  • Location
  • Initial Capital
  • Type of Operation
  • The type of activity

The Document is required Register a Business

The Afghan Investment Support Agency AISA was established in order to encourage and facilitate local and foreign investments. Thus, AISA’s goal is AISA’s staff members to help the investor whenever it is feasible.

Information that could be helpful

The Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the most reputable private sector organisation in Afghanistan. They also help prospective investors to locate allies and help navigate through the lucrative Afghan market. Their international partners include:

  • The Afghan American Chamber of Commerce (McLean, VA)
  • Afghan Business Council in Dubai

Other uses of the document/certificate

  • Afghanistan is strategically situated between the energy-rich states located in Central Asia and the major ports in South Asia providing a key transport connection for Central Asian energy and natural gas, which is a key route to the markets of South Asia as well as out of the region. Additionally, Afghanistan has access to the markets of its neighbors which include important markets that are growing rapidly like China, India and Pakistan.
  • The basic principles of a market-based economy are into the current Constitution{ Rt. 10 just as the|, just as the|, just as} expansion in the sector of private investment is the main focus in the National Development Strategy. Therefore, the President as well as the government has been focusing in removing the barriers to the development of the private sector.
  • Afghanistan is extremely abundant of mineral reserves. There are at present over 1,400 recognized mineral deposits. They include energy minerals like coal, gas, oil as along with copper and iron deposits that are of world class. Additionally, the most well-known precious and semi-precious stones found in Afghanistan include jade, emerald amethyst and alabaster. lapis lazuli, beryl, ruby, tourmaline and sapphire. There are also many investment opportunities that are available in the hydrocarbons sector.
  • As a result of the national privatization programme, many of the state-owned companies have been scheduled for an international tender between 2006 and 2008 which has made the entry into these industries much more straightforward.

External Links

How To Register a Business In Afghanistan
How To Register a Business In Afghanistan


The applicant must fill in all the correct information on an application. Incorrect information can hinder the applicant from getting license. Additionally, if inaccuracy of the information provided is discovered after the issuance of the license, investors license will be immediately removed and the right to investment will be taken away. Any information that is required, including details about Govt. tax payment or bank loans, as well as the capability to cover losses be based on court decisions or within a legal forum.

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