How to Register a Design In Jamaica

Register a Design In Jamaica By Yourself

  1. Visit the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office to register a Design. You can view the JIPO office map and contact details by clicking this link: Link
  2. Download the JIPO application form to register your design.
  3. Please fill out the application form and clearly state the classification of your design. You can find out how designs are classified at the end of your application form
  4. All supporting documents should be attached to the application form
  5. For verification, visit the JIPO office to complete the application
  6. You will receive an acknowledgment receipt for your application if you pay the recommended application fee for each class.
  7. The application will then be checked and processed in accordance with the design Act.
  8. After the design has been approved for registration, the registration fee will be due
  9. After the design is registered, you will receive the registration documents

Required Documents For Register a Design

  • For registration, complete the application
  • Three copies of this design are shown to show the different perspectives.

Find Office Locations and Contacts

Jamaica Intellectual Property OfficeAddress 18 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10 Jamaica,West Indies
Tel. : 876.946-1300; 946-0789; 946-9216
For Patent:
Website: Link


  • Companies, individuals and businesses that want to register a Design


  • Fees details: Link

Useful Documents

  • Application form: Link


  • The application must include your details and three (3) copies showing the different perspectives.
  • In your application, you must state what the design is used for and identify the classes for which registration is desired.

Requirements Information

  • Personal information of the applicant (name, address and nationality).
  • The design should be applied to a class or groups of goods.
  • The design is influenced by nature.

You will need the document

  • You are protected from any unauthorized copying or imitation by third parties if you have registered the design. This ensures a fair return on your investment.

Information that might be of assistance

  • Design Act:

External Links



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