How To Register a Patent In Armenia

How To Register a Patent In Armenia

To request an Patent in Armenia, the applicant should get in touch with Armenia’s Ministry of Economy. Here are the contact information to use:

Ministry of Economy
Address: 5 M. Mkrtchyan, Yerevan 375010.
Telephone: (+374 10-) 54-34-67 (+374 11) 597-205
Fax: (+374 11) 526-577.
More Contact Information: More Information

Office Locations and Contacts editOffice Locations & Contacts[ edit

Ministry of EconomyAddress 5. M. Mkrtchyan, Yerevan 375010.
Telephone: (+374 10-) 54-34-67 (+374 11) 597-205
Fax: (+374 11) 526-577.

How To Register a Patent In Armenia
How To Register a Patent In Armenia

Contact Information for More Contacts : More Info


What Are All The Eligibility[edit]

Establish eligibility criteria to go through this process.


Explain the fees structure which is required for obtaining the certificate/document.


Give the date by which the certificate or document is valid. e.g. Birth Certificate Valid for Life

Documents to Use editDocuments to Use[ edit

Attach documents that could be used by others. e.g. hyperlinks


Examples of Documents editSample Documents[ edit

Please include a copy of your filled out documents that could be useful to other people.

Processing Time EditProcessing Time [ edit

Please explain processing time taken in obtaining the document/certificate.

Related Videos editRelated Videos[ edit

Videos that explain the process or to fill out the applications. Upload videos with this tag <&video type="website">width|heighton external websites. Remove the "and" in the tags at the time of the implementation. Website includes allocine, blip gamestrailers, dailymotion metacafe, googlevideo, html5 revver, myspace, sevenload, viddler Youku, YouTube width equals 560, height equals 340, and the ID for the video is It is available from the URL of the website where the video is shown. e.g In the following url "" Video ID is "Y0US7oR_t3M".



Please provide instructions on obtaining the certificate/documents. e.g. The state office keeps birth records from January 1908.

Required Information editRequired Information[ edit

A list of the type of information that is required for the process. e.g. 1. Date of birth. 2. The City or County of Birth.


Need to have the Document editNeed for the Document [ edit

Please describe the reason to perform the process. e.g. Birth Certificate - Why do we require the birth certificate?

Information that could be helpful edithelp [ edit

Other information that could assist

Other uses of the Document/Certificate[edit]

Please explain what are other uses of obtaining this document/certificate. e.g. Birth Certificates are used to prove identity.

External Links editExternal Links[ edit

Include some links from other websites that may be of help


More information that could assist people.

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