How to Register a Trademark In Uganda

 Register a Trademark In Uganda By Yourself

  • Conduct an investigation; conduct an online search within the trademark registry to find out whether your trademark is listed in the registry and, in the event that it does not, whether it is appropriate which means it’s not offensive, etc.
  • The registrar’s advice. You must seek an opinion from the registry on whether the trademark you are considering appears to the registrar be naturally adapted to distinguish or distinguishing the goods and services of the business from those offered by another business. The registrars then advise you accordingly.
  • Complete the application form and include all the information needed
  • The application form should be sent in the offices of the registrar.
  • The registrar will determine whether the trademark can be registered and if it has any conflict with an existing trademark registrations or applications for trademark registrations.
  • The publication of the an application. In the event that your proposal is approved by the registrar application will be published in the official gazette for 60 days.
  • If there isn’t any opposition following the expiration of sixty days from the time of advertising, the registration registrar after payment of the required fees to register your trademark in the trademark register , and issue a certificate of registration for your trademark

Apply Online

Applicable for more information follow the links

Agent Contacts

(There might be additional charges associated in this procedure). Agent Disclosure

Angualia Busiku and Co. AdvocatesContact Email :,,
Contact Number : +256774477656, (256774110111)
Website: URL to website
The hours of operation and the days are 8:30 am until 5:45 pm

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
5. Plot Gorge Street, Georgian House
P.0 B0X 6848
Kampala Uganda
Tel: +256-414-233-219 to URSB General Line
Tel: +256-414-235-915 for Registrar General
Fax: +256-414-247-712 General Fax Line


Anyone who establishes any type of business or has other business is required to sign up at Uganda Registration Service Bureau. Uganda Registration Service Bureau. It is required for company or an individual to register their trademarks in Uganda.


Step-1 Trademark Comprehensive Study

  • 1 Class $140
  • Each additional class is $80

Step 2 Trademark Registration Request

  • 1 Class $900
  • Each additional class costs $850.

Examples of Documents…view…Trade…markes

Processing Time

Step 1- Trademark Comprehensive Study
The delivery maximum period is five (5) day business

Step 2 Trademark Registration Request
The processing time for the maximum amount is five (5) months


The Uganda Registration Service Bureau is an official public sector entity located in Uganda that was established by law and eventually accountable to the parliament. The Ugandan government Uganda is the one who provides its legal framework and policies of which Uganda Registration Bureau operates , and offers the organization support from the political sphere and legitimacy.

Requirements Information

  • The full name of the person applying
  • Passport size photo with white background
  • Signature and address of the applicant
  • Citizenship
  • Trade name suggested to be employed
  • The type of products or services
  • In the case of a foreign business or a foreign company, a power of attorney, or a form of authorization for one of an advocate from Uganda’s High Court of Uganda will suffice.

Documentation is needed

The law stipulates that any commercial or other activity has been registered with Uganda.

Information that can be useful

The duration of the trademark registration process only an estimate , and could be subject to change if oppositions or objections are made or other circumstances occur in the process of trademark registration.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • A trademark is a protection for goods, whereas a service marks safeguard the services provided by the user registered.
  • It acts as a reference point for your business’s activities

External Links



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