How to Register a Vehicle In Bhutan

Register a Vehicle In Bhutan By Online

  1. Collect all the documents you’ll have to provide or show in order to be able to register the vehicle.
  2. The vehicle has to be taken to the RSTA for inspection Motor Vehicle Inspector of the RSTA at the registration process.
  3. Once you have registered, you will be legally required to bring your vehicle for fitness testing by displaying the number plate at both the front and at the rear in exactly the way that the RSTA guidelines require. Be aware that slanting or shiny letters/numbers as well as embossed numbers aren’t allowed.

Required Documents For Register a Vehicle 

Documents to be submitted/presented to be registered for an automobile:

  • Completely fill in the registration application form
  • Original Invoice
  • ID Card Copy (the applicant must be over the age of 18)
  • One passport size photograph (recent)
  • Customs clearance in the original form (if purchased from an authorized dealer outside Bhutan )
  • Import license/quota (in the event of purchasing from a the third country )
  • Original tax receipt for clearance
  • Original tax receipt in green
  • Emission certificate Euro 03/Euro 04 compliant

Note: Vehicles is required to be present to a an inspection.

Office Locations and Contacts

How to Register a Vehicle In Bhutan
How to Register a Vehicle In Bhutan

Head Office
Mongar Region
Thimphu Area
Phuntsholing Region
Gelephu Region
S/jongkhar Region


Only vehicles that are new are able to be registered.

Used or second hand vehicles registered in a different country are not able to legally registered within Bhutan.


After registration The validity of the registration is typically one year, which will require annual renewal.

Processing Time

It can be accomplished in a single day.


You must register the registration of your car within the period of 15 days of the date it was received by the Custom Authority or the authorized dealer. The penalty for over 15 days is nu. 100 per day.

External Links

  • Road Safety and Transport Authority:

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