How to Register a Vehicle In Uzbekistan

Register a Vehicle In Uzbekistan By Online

  1. Natural and legal persons, when they acquire or purchase an automobile, must arrange to have it registered in the shortest time possible regardless of the state of the motor vehicle.
  2. Take all the documents you’ll be required to provide or submit for the application.
  3. Fill out a registration form and the other documents required to the authority responsible for registration.
  4. Make sure you pay all fees necessary.

Required Documents For Register a Vehicle

  • Registration of cars belonging to individuals and legal entities is dependent on a written request of an owner (company) and documents that confirm that the acquisition is legal and the payment of registration fee.
  • for legal entity: Copy the state registration certificate for the entity that is legal.
  • Identification document

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of UzbekistanTashkent ul.Yu.Radzhaby d.1 Index 100029
Phone: (+99871) 231-32-32 / 252-70-01
Helpline: 233-39-39
Additional Contact Phone Numbers to the Ministry of Health. Ministry

General Directorate – Traffic Safety
Tashkent Sheyhantaur pH ul.Shoira d-1 index 100128
Phone: (+99871) 244-28-50 / 244-28-46
Helpline: 231-58-88


Legal entities, state bodies as well as individuals are able to apply for and be registered for their vehicles.


To Individuals

  • Motor vehicles registered to persons who are under 18 years old motor16 years old (with the exception of vehicles that are which are the result of the lottery or other games of public interest or from a bequest or inheritance according to the procedure prescribed by law) They are owned by their owner and registered in the state in which he or she is permanent resident, or, in the case where this is not possible to the area in which they reside temporarily.
  • The citizens from in the Republic of Uzbekistan who left the country for study, work or to perform military service can registration their vehicle upon an official written declaration that they have signed, which states they consent to registration. A vehicle’s registration is at the city where the family of the owner lives.
  • If an owner of a vehicle cannot personally sign their application to register, registration can be completed through presenting a power of attorney as well as documents that prove that the acquisition is legal.
  • Registration of vehicles belonging to soldiers could be done on the basis of information related to the registration of vehicles or military units on the assignment of housing.

for Entities

  • Motor vehicles owned by legal organizations are registered in the location in which the entity is situated (located). A motor vehicle could be registered at a location in which the entity operates an office or branch after obtaining the necessary permit to allow the registration application to be made. In such cases the registration certificate should contain the name of the person who owns the vehicle, the address of the vehicle, as well as its address, and also the parking space for the vehicle.

Documentation is needed

Registration of vehicles is required for the State. Its goal is to ensure clear ownership of vehicles and also to tax motorists or owners of vehicles.

Most vehicles carry an unique identification number for the vehicle However, only registered vehicles are able to display a registration plate and have a registration certificate.

A motor vehicle is only allowed to be driven on roads that are public only if it’s registered and is displaying an identification number. The vehicle must be in compliance with the regulations, and also meet road safety requirements , and be insured by a third party.

External Links

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Uzbekistan Republic. Website:



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