How to Register as a Tobacco Grower In Uganda

Register as a Tobacco Grower In Uganda By Yourself

  1. The application for registration to deal in Tobacco being grown in a designated expanding area can be done in person, by visiting the tobacco control commissioner at the Ministry of Agriculture and fisheries Head offices.You are also able to visit the website of the Ministry at this link Ministry of Agriculture
  2. You will be provided along with an application to apply for registration as a tobacco grower. fill in and submit.
  3. Complete the necessary information accurately and attach the relevant supporting documents prior to.
  4. Complete the application form, and pay the fee for the application of Ugsh.690,583 and provide the receipt as evidence of payment.
  5. Then, the verification of Tobacco expanding areas by the Commissioner responsible for Tobacco control at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
  6. The recommendations based on the findings from the inquiry will then be submitted for the Crops Inspection officer(s) to be considered for Authority approval.
  7. At this stage, the applicant gets informed if the applicant has been approved to cultivate Tobacco or what rectifications are required to be completed in order for the Tobacco cultivator to become legally registered.
  8. After a successful approval after which the applicant will be informed and ordered to make payment of the registration cost at the Ministry and then submit the receipt as evidence of payment.
  9. After the registration process is completed and the cotton growers’ registration certificate will be given to the applicant.

Required Documents For Register as a Tobacco Grower

  1. The application form must be filled in and completed.
  2. A growing zone is licensed
  3. The area of land on which Tobacco will be cultivated.
  4. The proof of payment for registration fees.
  5. License for purchasing tobacco
  6. Other requirements that could be imposed by the Commissioner from time-to-time.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture Animal industries and Fisheries.Phone +256 414 320 0006
Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Web site: Ministry of Agriculture

  • Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (excluding holidays and weekends)
  • Scroll towards the very bottom of page. Contact details are listed.


  • Anyone who would like to cultivate tobacco in an area that is declared to be a growing zone is eligible to be registered as a grower , in conformity with regulations set to serve this reason.


  • Tobacco growers Registration fees 690,583.


  • Valid for one year

Processing Time

  • The process can take up to 2 days.


  • The cultivation of tobacco is prohibited to sell in any region other than an designated area and must be certified.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of the applicant
  2. Registered office Details (head of office)
  3. Physical and postal addresses
  4. Telephone numbers
  5. Email address
  6. The place where the area for growing tobacco is situated
  7. Date of the establishment
  8. Name of the company
  9. Name of directors and contact information,citizenship and shares
  10. Sorts of Products/Products that are available for sale
  11. Sources of supply for Produced Tobacco

Information that could be helpful

  • According to Section 3 of Act anyone who wants to cultivate tobacco to sell in an area that is declared as a growing zone is required to apply for registration as a grower , in conformity with the regulations formulated to facilitate this purpose in the Act.
  • The Minister can, upon the guidance of the Commissioner through a an instrument stipulating that any portion of land a growing zone. Furthermore, no one can cultivate cigarettes for sales in any location other than an area that is declared by paragraph (1) to be a growing zone.

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