How to Register as an Exporter of Forest Products In Ivory Coast

Register as an Exporter of Forest Products In Ivory Coast By Yourself

  • Applicants (individuals/companies/businesses) based in Abidjan should visit the Ministry of Water and Forests the Directorate of Production and Forest Industry (DPIF) office, will those based outside Abidjan should visit the Prefecture office near them, the department concerned and express your interest.
  • Request the application form at the registration or service desk, and complete it correctly.
  • Pay the processing fees in cash at the counter. Upon which you’ll be issued with an invoice.
  • Complete the form and submit it along with any supporting documents (listed below) to verify.
  • The Inter-ministerial Commission of Exporters of Timber Products Approval (CIAEPL) typically meets between (1) or two (2) times each year (between the months of December and March) to examine and review all applications.
  • If your application is approved, you will be informed of the result via mail, telephone or in person, and given an export Certificate for non-timber forest products by the registered or authorized official.
  • A list of businesses who have received approval will be released annually in the Inter-ministerial Decrees.

Required Documents For Register as an Exporter of Forest Products

  • A request on plain paper (name or company name, address/activities carried out and manager’s identification number) sent to President of the Interministerial Commission for the Approval of Wood Products Exporters (CIAEPL).
  • A valid Data Sheet provided to the Directorate General of Taxes.
  • The Bank guarantees of Ten (10) Million FCFA (approved banks and Insurance).
  • A Payment Certificate that reflects the amount DUS received during the prior fiscal year.
  • The Certificate of Fiscal Reliability, granted through the Directorate of Large Enterprises or the Regional Directorates of the Directorate General of Taxes that pertains to the tax payment on earnings and salaries in the previous financial year.
  • A legalized commitment that relates to the compliance with the forest laws in place.
  • A document issued by customs declareants or freight forwarders who have been approved that confirms that they have signed a contract with the person applying for the current fiscal year.
  • A Non-Fee Certificate is issued from the Department of Financial Affairs and Heritage (DAFP) of the Ministry of Water and Forests in which an applicant has been in good standing in the Revenue and Special Advances Board of Water and Forests .
  • The current Importer Exporter Code issued by the Ministry of Commerce.
  • An official certificate from the Directorate of Production and Forest Industry (DPIF). Indicating it is that applicant in good standing in relation to the forestry administration. The request should be accompanied by the quota certificate that is issued by the inspector director of the deputy director for the ports for embarkation of the goods and also from the Forest Economy Service for the transfer of export quotas to be used on the route overland.
  • A color flap t-shirt.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Water and Forests (MINEF)
Address :Abidjan – Plateau Cite Administrative, Tower D 19 th floor
01 BP 12243 Abidjan 01 BP 12243 Abidjan Ivory Coast
Tel: (+225) 20 21 94 06 / (+225) 20 21 05 12
Email: info @ /
Website: Link
  • Directorate General of Forestry
  • Directorate of Production and Forest Industry Division (DPIF)

Address: Abidjan – Plateau Cite Administrative, Tower C, 8th floor


  • Legal or natural (individuals/businesses/companies) that wish to export forest products from Ivory Coast.


  • It is recommended to consult the ministry


The Export Certificate for non-timber forest Products lasts for one calendar year and can be renewed after that.

Processing Time

    • The Commission meets one (1) up to (2) every year (between December and March) to review all application dossiers.

The processing time is 15 working days in this period.

Requirements Information


  • Background information
  • Full legal name of the applicant/company/business
  • Contact details (Mailing/email Address, telephone/fax number)
  • Address (physical address) of the premise
  • The reasons for the demand
  • Identification document details
  • Valid Company registration certificate details
  • Declaration

The Document is required

Individuals/business/companies that wish to export forest products from Ivory Coast are required to register with the Ministry of Water and Forests (MINEF) and obtain the Export Certificate for Non-Timber Forest Products first before exporting these merchandise from Ivory Coast.

External Links

URL (Ministry of Forests and Water (MINEF)



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