How to Renew an Adult Passport In Isle Of Man

Renew an Adult Passport In Isle Of Man By Online

  • Candidates must fill out and sign their application forms. They will need a person to sign their application counter (if necessary) and someone to be a witness, and has been acquainted with an applicant for at minimum two years.
  • The applicants must complete section 4 of the application when they were adopted, born or naturalised the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. People who have a connection to the UK through grandparents or parents born adopted, naturalised, or registered within the UK and must supply the most complete information possible. It is only necessary to provide the information of one grandparent or parent and not all of them.
  • Complete the application form with two identical, recent photographs that are in line with the standards required by the passport office (all passport forms have detailed guidelines for what is and isn’t acceptable). Bring all the supporting documents required for the application process.
  • The application fees must be paid.
  • The passport you have used previously will be canceled after a new one has been issued. It will be impossible to use your original passport, but they will give it back to you, unless it’s been damaged or changed. In such instances, it will be destroyed , and it will be not handed back to you.


  • It is advised for applicants to not make the travel plans until they’ve been issued their passport. Passport Office Passport Office will not accept liability for any trip that the applicant booked prior to the passport has been received.
  • Passport holders do not need to wait until their passports expire. It is possible to renew the passport anytime.
  • If there is time remaining in the old passport it may be carried over for up to nine months of validity your new passport. There is no refund available in the event of an unexpired period that exceeds nine months remaining on the passport of the previous one.

Required Documents For Renew an Adult Passport

  • The completed application form
  • The two photos are recent and identical photos that conform to the standards requirements of passport offices (all passport forms have specific guidelines for what is and isn’t acceptable).
  • The passport that is due to be renewed
  • In the event that your last name changed, or is likely to change:

Office Locations and Contacts

Isle of Man Passport, Immigration and Nationality OfficeGround Floor
Government Office
Buck’s Road
Phone: +44 1624 685208
Fax: +44 1624 685210


  • If you live on the Isle of Man, or were born in Isle of Man and are currently living in the UK You can apply for a renewal of your British passport at the Isle of Man Passport, Immigration and Nationality Office.
  • If you are not born in the Isle of Man and are living in the UK and want to apply for a passport through one of the UK Passport Offices.
  • If you live abroad, you have to apply for a visa through your UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Embassy Consulate, Embassy, or High Commission of the country in which you reside.


Passport costs:

Renewal or amendment of the passport of an adult already in use:

  • The standard service is 72.50
  • 5 days express: 103.00
  • Same day service: 128.00

Pay methods

Standard service:

  • Public counter: Payments can be made in the form of the form of a cheque, debit card postal order, cash or cheque
  • Post : Payments can come by way of post-order or cheque

Note: All checks should be addressed to the ‘Isle of Man’s Government’.

Express service

  • Public counter: Payments may be made with an debit card, postal order , or cash only.
  • Post : Payments are accepted by way of an order sent by post only.

Note Take note: It is recommended that the Passport Office strongly advise that an express service application be completed by person, at the counters in public. Applications that are submitted using a payment method that is not correct are returned to the person who submitted the application and not processed. In the event of a mistake, Passport Office will apply the express service as of the moment the application is entered into their system, not from the time the application was made.


A passport for adults can be used for a duration that is 10 years.

Processing Time

Standard Service

  • It can take about five working days to process a passport application with the standard process. The time required for processing an application could be extended during busy times especially during the school holidays.
  • The demand for express passport service of between 1 to five working days is the highest and the time to process standard applications grows, which makes it difficult to estimate an exact time for delivery on the normal service. So applicants should verify the status in their passport application to the Passport Office at least 5 working days prior to travel. This allows them to select the express 5 day service in the event of a need, as opposed to using the more costly 1 day service.

Express Service

Applications made under this express program will receive priority.

There are two express service options offered:

  • Service available on the same day: Applications received prior to midnight will be ready for collection at 3 pm the following day. Applications that are received after 12:00 midnight will not be made available for collection until 3:30 pm the next day.
  • Five working days of service The application will be ready for collection at 3:00 at night on the 5th day of the week For example, if the application is made on a Monday, it would be available for collection at our office the following Monday, after 3:00 pm.

You are not eligible to use the express service You cannot avail of the express service if:

  • If you are an adult, then applying for your first-time passport
  • You’re applying to get a replacement for your passport that was stolen or lost
  • There’s an error or incorrect information on the form.
  • The Isle of Man passport office will need to take longer to think about an application that is complex
  • Events beyond the reasonable influence of Isle of Man passport office

To learn more about express services: click here

Once you’ve submitted your application to get the first British passport, it is recommended to give yourself 6 weeks for your visa application to process, as you might be required to take the interview.

The Document is required

  • The passport can be described as a piece of paper issued by the national government. It confirms the nationality and identity of the holder in order to traveling abroad. It also contains details about the person who holds it, such as name age, gender, date of birth, and birthplace.
  • The document alone grant the holder of the passport to the right to travel to another country, nor protection from consular authorities during travel, or any other rights. It does, however, permit the passport holder to be returned to their country in which the passport was issued.
  • The right to consular protection stems from international treaties, and the return of the consular holder to the country that issued the visa depends on the laws in the country.
  • Parents are no longer able to have their children register under their own names. Children must possess their own passport.

Information that can be useful

The person who countersigns this application must

  • You must be a professional (including retired persons) or someone of high standing within the community (for instance bank or building society officials such as civil servants, police officers and ministers of religious faith, as well as individuals with professional qualifications like teachers accountants, engineers solicitors, and so on.) General practitioners and dentists are not able to sign forms of application for patients.
  • Have been in contact with an applicant in person for at minimum two years. When the application is for a minor, they must have been acquainted with the applicant who is completing section 8 for a minimum of two years. Additionally, they must have personal acquaintance with the child, that is, they must be capable of identifying the photo that they have certify as being the person who is named in part 1 of an application.
  • You can live anywhere in The UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands
  • You must have a valid British or Irish passport.
  • Fill out section 7 on the application form and provide the number of their passport.
  • Provide their address and contact information
  • Signify that either (not each) of your photos by writing , I confirm that it is a real image that you (your full name, including your the title) on it, and then signing and certifying it.

They cannot:

  • You will be working with your organization’s Identity and Passport Service (IPS) or the Chief Secretary’s Office External Relations Division;
  • Are related to the person applying (by marriage or birth). This includes in-laws, partners and step-parents.
  • Have a personal connection with the person applying (this is not a requirement).



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