How to Renew Gray Card In Mali

Renew Gray Card In Mali By Yourself

  1. The applicant should go to The Regional Transport Directorate at the Gray Card section, or the transportation subdivision located at the Cercle area near you. There, make an appointment at the desk of service.
  2. The branch manager will look for the file, and then forward that file to the cash desk, and you’ll then be advised to pay the necessary fees.
  3. When you pay for the file, it is sent back after payment is made to the After payment, the file is returned to the Card section which is where it is registered and numbered.
  4. The Gray Card section agent will fill out the application form on the document provisional on behalf of you and send it to the Director of Division or Regional Director to sign.
  5. The form of the provisional document to allow renewing of the gray card is delivered back to the Gray Card Section to be issued to the person who applied within two days.
  6. The file is then sent back to the Gray Card section where it is then sent to the Secretariat to create the dispatch slip for the National Directorate after having been approved by the Division Head and authorized by the Director of Regional.
  7. When it comes to the National Directorate, the file is registered and its compatibility to the parent file is verified. If it’s in compliance then either the director, or their deputy is authorized to sign the document. The document is handed back to the Regional Directorate of Transport. The file remains in archive at the National Directorate. Be aware that if the file isn’t compliant, it will be rejected.
  8. The applicant or their representative must visit the office again where you filed the application, along with the identity cards as well as the provisional card and then show them to the agent in order to be verified. The agent will then issue the new Gray card.

Required Documents For Renew Gray Card

  • Gray card (expired or crumpled, unreadable)
  • A report on observation
  • A declaration for putting in circulation is was issued through DRTTF as well as the subdivided
  • The report of the valid technical visit
  • Identity card valid

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Equipment and TransportAddress: Dar salam Mali Mali
National Directorate of Transport: (+223) 20-22 40 12/20 21 64 National Directorate of Transport: (+223) 20 22 41 12/20 22 64


The registered owner of a vehicle who require renewal of the Gray card.


Legal Fees
* DNT fees of 8,000 FCFA or 2500 FCFA PVC.
* Revenue stamps: 4,000 FCFA
* Road security cost $ 5,000 FCFA

Processing Time

The processing time is one month, but it can be extended to an additional 15 days

The Information You Need

  • The full name of the vehicle owner
  • Information about the registration of the vehicle
  • The address of residence for the owner of the vehicle
  • Identification document number for the applicant or the vehicle owner
  • The details of an expired Gray card
  • Contact details for the applicant or the vehicle owner

Documentation is needed

Gray cards are an official document which shows the registration details of the owner of a particular vehicle as well as the specifics of the vehicle. The document must be renewed when it runs out of validity.

External Links


How to Renew Gray Card In Mali
How to Renew Gray Card In Mali



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