How to Replace Lost / Stolen Passport In Iraq

Replace Lost / Stolen Passport In Iraq By Online

  • It is essential to notify the lost identity card to your nearest police station. You’ll need to provide the police report whenever you request a new passport.
  • Request a replacement passport by filling out an application form and submitting it with all the needed documentation with the Passport Office.
  • Make payment for the fee of application.

If you are outside Iraq:

You can use the hyperlink listed under “Office Contacts and Locations” to make contact with the closest Embassy of Iraq in the country where you’re currently. The consular section of the Embassy will take your request in order to replace the passport you lost or stole.

  • In order to obtain a new passport it is necessary to fill out the application.
  • It is required to complete the form with a letter that you obtained through the Police Department after you have declared your passport stolen or lost. The letter must contain the number of your passport and day of entry. Passports lost or stolen should be reported in the local paper.
  • You will be asked to pen down your statement to the consul regarding what happened to your passport along with the details of the lost passport. The document will be then approved by the consul.
  • The application will be sent through the Directorate of Passports to obtain the approval needed to issue an updated passport.
  • The Consular Department will inform all Iraqi overseas missions about the loss of passports to inform that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the countries that they are accredited in, in order to stop the misuse by suspected parties.

Required Documents For Replace Lost / Stolen Passport

  •  Application is complete
  • Police report
  • Evidence that you have Iraqi citizenship
  • Four (4) passport photos that are colored

Office Locations and Contacts

The Passport Offices are located in Governorates

Iraq Mission Abroad

The Document is required

This guideline provides details on how to get a replacement for the passport of a person who has been stolen or lost in Iraq.

External Links

Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs



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