How To Report a Damaged Passport In Australia

How To Report a Damaged Passport In Australia

  1. Fill out a complete application form in the event that your passport is severely damaged.
  2. Documentation to prove you Australian citizenship and proof of identity.
  3. Fill out an General Declaration by passport applicant (B11) form that explains the reasons why your passport was found damaged. It should be included with your complete application.
  4. The letter is issued to you to turn in the damaged passport. In the letter, you will inform that you are entitled to demand the return of your damaged passport, as well as of your rights to review under the law governing passports.
  5. It is also suggested to inform the officer who is conducting your interview that you would like to have your damaged passport replaced after the passport is electronically and physically annulled.

Documents that are required Damaged Passport

  • Current Passport
  • The proof of Australian citizenship
  • Identification Documents
  • Application Formula
  • General Declaration by passport applicant (B11) form

Office Locations and Contacts

For contact information of Australian Offices of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:

What Are All The Eligibility

The holder in possession of the Australian passport.


Regular Passport

  • This includes official and diplomatic passports as well as diplomatic passports.
    • Adult: A$238
    • Child: A$119
  • A frequent travelers (If your travels are frequent,, then you can request a frequent traveler’s passport, which has greater visa page pages than an Ordinary passport.)
    • Adult: A$358
    • Child: A$179

Passport of a senior

  • Senior’s Passport for Seniors (A senior’s passport that has five years validity is available to Australian citizen aged 75 or older.)
    • Adult: A$119
    • Child: n/a
  • Senior’s passport. Frequent traveler.
    • Adult: A$179
    • Child: n/a

When the passport you have purchased is not in good condition There is no charge to replace the passport.


The validity of a passport is five years.

Documents to Utilize

General Declaration of Passport applicant (Form B-11):

How To Report a Damaged Passport In Australia
How To Report a Damaged Passport In Australia


  • If you’re unsure whether your passport is accepted and you are unsure, you can take it to the closest Australian Passport Office or if abroad, go to your closest Australian consular or diplomatic office to have it evaluated.
  • Minor damage that is caused by regular wear and tear isn’t usually enough to make an official travel document unusable. Examples of minor damages include staples or staple holes on visa pages mildew or mildew that is small modifications to emergency contact information minor water damage, when entry or exit stamps remain legible; and the worn edges of pages.
  • If your passport is severely damaged they cannot be renewed using the renewal form. You should contact APIS at 131 232 for details on what constitutes major damage.
  • In the event that your passport appears to be damaged You should take it to the closest Australian Passport Office or if you are in the vicinity of the nearest consular or diplomatic missionfor evaluation first.
  • It is the Australian Passport Office will replace passports at no cost to the person who holds the passport is defective.
  • For any queries regarding the condition of a damaged or defective passport or if you require additional details, please call for assistance with the Australian Passport Information Service on 1313 232 or the nearest Australian Embassy , Consulate or.
  • In the event that you submit your application where you are, you must attach two recent, identical color photographs of yourself on the application form.

The Document is required Damaged Passport

Passports damaged by damage cannot be used for travel , or as evidence of identification and Australian citizenship. If your passport has been affected in any manner, be aware of it and request another one.

External Links

Damaged Passports:
Passport Costs:

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