How to Request for a BAC Diploma Certificate In Ivory Coast

Request for a BAC Diploma Certificate In Ivory Coast By Yourself

  • The applicant should go to for the Direction of Examinations and Competitions (DECO) and the Sub-direction for the homologation and authentication of diplomas.
  • Visit the department of Archives Service and delivery of diplomas desk to express your curiosity.
  • Choose the number for your control ticket and then wait for your ticket number to be called.
  • Complete the form and submit it together with any documents supporting it (listed in the following) to the official in charge to be verified and processed.
  • The application fees must be paid at the bank in-house on which you will receive a receipt.
  • If an authority is satisfied requirements are met by the applicant, they will be informed of the decision and will issue the certificate within three weeks.

Required Documents For Request for a BAC Diploma Certificate

  • Request form to print using DECO’s website link. DECO website hyperlink
  • The CNI, the Passport or Certificate of Identity
  • Copy of certification of achievement, if you can.

Office Locations and Contacts

Direction for Examinations and Competitions (DECO)Sub-Direction of Homologation and authentication of Diplomas
Address: Boulevard Angoulvant, avenue Terasson de Fougeres following the Externat Saint Paul.
BP V 276Abidjan
Telephone: (+225) 20328217/20328742/ 20320074
Site: website


  • Anyone who holds the Baccalaureate Diploma may apply for the creation of his degree


  • Application fee: 1000 FCFA


The document is valid for a lifetime however, you may reapply in the event of it becoming damaged or lost

Processing Time

If all requirements are satisfied, the certification process will be completed within 3 weeks of the date of receipt of your application.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the person who is applying
  • Contact details
  • Nationality
  • Identification document details
  • Registration number

Documentation is needed

This entails the issue of an Baccalaureate degree (card) in the wake of research conducted in the deliberations minutes

External Links



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