How to Temporary Registration of a Foreign Veterinary Surgeon In Botswana

 Temporary Registration of a Foreign Veterinary Surgeon In Botswana By Yourself

  1. The application to get an interim registration certificate as a foreign veterinarian surgeon must be made sent to the Botswana Health Professions Council (BHPC) office. Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOH) Office Address and contact information
  2. How to Temporary Registration of a Foreign Veterinary Surgeon In Botswana
    How to Temporary Registration of a Foreign Veterinary Surgeon In Botswana
  3. The applicants must collect and fill out an application form. Botswana Health Professions Council (BHPC) Registration Form. The form is available in any BHPC offices or downloaded from the MoH website,(Form is accessible in section titled Botswana Health Professions Council section) or directly download it via this link: BHPC Application Form
  4. The form that is completed and attached to the required documentation listed in the “Required Documents” section on this page needs to be handed at the BHPC office for review.
  5. After the submission of the application and it is the BHPC Registration & Licensing office will look for discrepancies or ineligibility on the application documents. If a problem that cannot be fixed immediately appears within any document, then the form as well as all submitted documents is returned to applicant. They will not be accepted until the discrepancy is corrected.
  6. When the inspector is satisfied all requirements have been fulfilled for the application for the permit, the file is recorded and the applicant receives an acknowledgement slip to prove the date of the submission and also for reference should the need arise.
  7. The applicant’s file will be sent over to committee board of Botswana Health Professions Council committee board for evaluation and assessment.
  8. After the successful assessment phase, where all requirements of the regulatory approval of the license have been satisfactorily fulfilled, the applicant will be summoned by BHPC and asked to sit for an examination and write test with committee members on the BHPC the committee.
  9. The BHPC committee board reserves the right to ask for additional information pertinent in the request. In this case the required information is required to be submitted within the specified time period from when notification is issued. If the applicant is unable to provide the necessary information in the stipulated time, the application will be denied.
  10. Following the completion of the test, the applicant will have to make payment for the application fees of BWP 30.00 in accordance with the BHCP preferred payment method and receive an BHPC receipt for payment.
  11. Only those who pass the examination and interview are registered with the BHPC and awarded the BHCP Registration Certificate/Practice certificate.
  12. Visit the BHPC office, and show the acknowledgement letter, identity document along with evidence of the payment for the license fee . Then, have it confirmed by the registrar. get the certificate.
Note Health Professionals who work or are employed in the private health sector are required to be registered and licensed through the Ministry of Health & Wellness without cost when they obtain an BHCP Certification Certificate.

Required Documents For Temporary Registration of a Foreign Veterinary Surgeon

  • Fully completed BHPC Registration Formulation
  • A certified copy of the passport details (non residents) as well as Omang (citizens).
  • Four passport-sized photos (there must be an official endorsement to confirm the likenessThe photos must be authentically like the originals.
  • Documentation that is certified of the change in name or surname, if applicable.If applicable, certified proof of change of name or surname.
  • Certificate of certification in the form of a certified copy. qualifications.
  • An official copy of the evidence for internship(for those who have completed their internship and are making their first registration) or transcript.
  • Current curriculum vitae.
  • Application letter.
  • Application fee (P30) payable after examination.
  • A certified duplicate certified copy of Current Practicing License and Registration Certificate.
  • Original of the certificate of good standing issued by previous organization of registration (not more than six months old)
  • Recent professional reference (Originals on letterhead or headed paper not longer than six months. ).
  • All applicants from countries that are not English Speaking Countries need to provide proof of their proficiency in English (having successfully completed IELTS exam with a score of 7 or higher)
Notifications Documents must be written in English All documents must be authenticated by the Commissioner of Oath

Office Locations and Contacts

BOTSWANA Health Professions Council (BHPC)
Address: Plot No 725. Main Mall, 1st Floor, Room 16-23 next to CENTRAL POLICE STATION
Gaborone, South-East,
Telephone: (+267) 3190749

Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoH)
Private Bag 0038
Address: Plot 54069, 24 Amos Street Government Enclave
TOLL-Free Customer: 0800600740
Inquiries: (+267) 3632500/3170585
Emergency Services Emergency Services: 997
MoH Office Location &Contact Details, MoH Website


A Veterinary Surgeon who is certified from a foreign country and wants be employed in Botswana temporarily are qualified to apply.


Application fee (P30) payable after examination.


  • Validity of the license is noted on the license. It will remain valid for the specific time frame unless it is cancelled or cancelled at the discretion of the regulator.
  • The period for renewal of licenses is between April 1st and June the 30th June of each financial year.

Documents to Utilize

BHPC Application Form for Registration

Requirements Information

  • Health Profession that requires Registration used
  • The full name of the applicant
  • Nationality
  • The date of birth (day/monthor year)/Gender
  • Contact details (address, email, mobile, fax, telephone)
  • Status of immigrants
  • Information on identity document
  • Qualification Information (Primary Qualification/Postgraduate qualifications)
  • Employment Details
  • Declaration of Oath

Need to have the Document

  • All Health professionals (citizens and foreigners) must be certified by the Botswana Health Professions Council (BHPC) which is an agency of the Ministry of Health.
  • It is unlawful to hire an health professional who isn’t licensed by BHPC or has not obtained an active certificate of practice in accordance with the Health Professions act (Cap 61.02).

External Links

MoH Regulatory Services



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