How to Temporary Register with Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC) In Botswana

Temporary Register with Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC) In Botswana By Online

  1. The application for registration of temporary as a Professional Property Manager/Property Valuator/Real Estate Agent/Auction must be submitted at the Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC) office. REAC Contact Information and Map Information on Location
  2. How to Temporary Register with Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC) In Botswana
    How to Temporary Register with Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC) In Botswana
  3. The applicants are required to fill out and submit an Application Registration Form, which is available at the REAC reception desk, and download the form from REAC web site REAC Membership Application or directly download it via this link. The Application Registration Form
  4. The form that has been completed and returned together with the supporting documents in”Required Documents” section of this page “Required documentation” section on this page, must be delivered by hand or via postal mail or courier at REAC office. REAC office. If you fail to include the necessary document or information could render the registration process uncomplete.
  5. When the application is submitted, it is inspected to ensure that it is correct and complete by the officer receiving the application If everything is correct, the applicant will have to pay a BWP 250.00 application fee. This can be paid by depositing the money to the REAC account, or accepted via using the Point of Sale (POS) machine (swiping machine) in the REAC office. Alternately, you can make payment by cheque made in the name of the REAC.
  6. The application will be accepted after you have paid the fee. Once payment is completed, and the applicant will receive acknowledgement slips that confirm the that they have submitted the application as well as a reference for inquiries in the event of a need.
  7. The council will allow the applicant to become professional property manager when it is satisfied that the applicant is in compliance with the criteria set forth for the application.
  8. The council is able to ask for additional information pertinent to the application, for purposes of ensuring compliance of the applicant with the relevant laws and rules. In this instance the required information must be submitted within the prescribed time period from when the notification was issued. If the applicant fails to provide the information required the council may refuse the application.
  9. Following processing, a written notice that outlines the final decision (Approval or Deferral Rejection) regarding an application is provided to the applicant through REAC. REAC office.
  10. If the council is approved, it will require the registrar identify the applicant in the status of a member on a temporary basis along with the temporary certification for the category that the applicant is applying for will be prepared and then made accessible for withdrawal by the member by visiting the REAC registry office, based on the identity document of the applicant and REAC payment/acknowledgement receipt.

appeal to High Court

  1. Anyone who is unhappy by a decision made by the Council is entitled to appeal within 30 days from when the council’s decision was made, make an appeal in the High Court.

Required Documents For Temporary Register with Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC) 

  • Citizenship certificates (Certified duplicate from Omang ID) Non-citizens (Certified photocopy of Passport)
  • Copy of academic qualifications
  • Copy of certificate that is certified by Real Estate Institute Of Botswana (REIB) Certificate
  • Good standing confirmation from REIB
  • A copy of the professional indemnity cover (PI)

Office Locations and Contacts

Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC)
Physician Address: Block C,
Department of Water and Sanitation Services,
Old Naledi,
Gaborone, Botswana

postal address: P.O. Box AE178 AEH,
Gaborone, Botswana
Telephone: +267 311 1994
Fax: +267 311 1895
Email Address:
Contact and Map for the REAC Location Information
ReAC’s Website
The hours of operation are Monday through Friday: 08:00AM-1300PM until 14:00PM-17:00PM. Weekends & Public Holidays: Closed


To be considered eligible for admission applicants must meet the following requirements,

  • Citizens and non-citizens can apply to apply.
  • He/she is a part of of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors or the Institute of Valuation Surveyors and Auctioneers or any other professional organization that may be recognized by the Real Estate Institute of Botswana
  • He/she is a well-fit and a proper person.
  • Have provided evidence of previous knowledge.
  • He/she plans to be in Botswana as an agent in real estate in order to carry certain tasks that he is employed in; and
  • Before he entered Botswana was practicing as an registered professional at such an extent that he could satisfy that Council of his ability to be a public servant as an authorized professional.
  • He has demonstrated his proficiency in relation to standards that could be set by the council to be eligible to be registered under this category.


  • Application/Registration fee BWP250.00 (Non-refundable).


  • The preferred method of payment is direct deposit to REAC’s REAC bank account, or by using your credit or debit payment card in the POS machine that is located in REAC offices. REAC offices.
  • Cash is not received in the REAC Offices. Cheques that are sent to REAC via post will are not accepted. REAC cannot be held accountable for any cheques that are lost through the mail, or if they are intercepted and banked fraudulently by an account belonging to another party.
  • When making payments at the Bank the applicant has to provide their full name as the reference.


  • Temporary Registration Certificates as an experienced Professional Property Manager/Property Valuator/Real Estate Agent/Auctioneer is valid for a maximum of over one year or for the time period of the specific work, unless it is it is suspended, revoked or cancelled by the authorities.

Documents to Utilize

Application Registration Formula

Requirements Information

  • Full Name of the Applicant/Company Name
  • Addresses for Postal/Residential of Applicant
  • Identification document number
  • contact details
  • Academic details
  • professional membership details
  • practical experience details
  • previous employment details
  • The PI cover number
  • The Fidelity number for the cover
  • Category that is being applied for.
  • The applicant’s declaration

Documentation is needed

  • Temporary Registration Certificate for Professional Property Manager/Property Valuer/Real Estate Agent/Auctioneer is an official document which proves that the holder is licensed and verified through the Real Estate Advisory Council (REAC)
  • Temporary Registration certificates show employers, colleagues and customers that one has shown a dedication towards professional ethics and a the code of ethics in the field, as well as to enhancing and developing competence.

Information that can be useful

  • The registered person must display and display at a prominent location in the premises where the business is located the registration certificate.

External Links

REAC Application for Membership
Real Estate Professionals



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