How To Update Business Name Details In Australia

How To Update Business Name Details In Australia

  1. Make sure your company’s information is current: You can check your business name information by conducting a searches through the Business Names Index or logging into the account of your ASIC Connect accounts. Notice that some business details are not publicly available in the Business Names Index. To view these, you must log into the ASIC Connect account. The information includes the address of your residence, email address , or any other details you’ve blocked (if relevant). For more information:
    1. With Business Names Index: Go to ASIC Connect ASIC Connect link
      How To Update Business Name Details In Australia
      How To Update Business Name Details In Australia

      . Select Business Name Index then enter the name or number of your company and then click Go. When the search results have been displayed, you can click your company name to view the information.

    2. Through Your ASIC Connect account – Link when you log into your account to your account for the first time you’ll be asked to add any business names you already have on your account. Click on from the Lodgements & Notifications tab at the top of the page. After that, click the radio button located to the left of your selected business name.
  2. Change your personal information: Updates must be done within 28 days after any changes in your personal information. How you change your business information depends on the information you’re changing – More information

Office Locations and Contacts

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

PO BOX 4000Gippsland Mail Centre
Victoria 3841

Customer Contact Centre

  • 1300 300 630 Within Australia
  • + 61 3 5177 3988: outside Australia

Fax: (03) 5177 3999

ASIC Kiosks for self-service

ASIC is represented in every state and territory.


Level 2
2 Allsop Street
Canberra ACT 2600

GPO Box 9827
Canberra ACT 2600
DX 5696 Canberra


Level 5
100 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000

GPO Box 9827
Sydney NSW 2001
DX 653 Sydney


7th level
TIO Centre
24 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0800

GPO Box 9827
Darwin NT 0801


The 20th floor of the Commonwealth Bank Building
240 Queen Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

GPO Box 9827
Brisbane Qld 4001
DX 322 Brisbane


Level 7
100 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000

GPO Box 9827
Adelaide SA 5001


Level 2, Telstra Centre
70 Collins Street
Hobart Tas 7000

GPO Box 9827
Hobart Tas 7001
DX Hobart 195 Hobart


7 Level
120 Collins St
Melbourne Vic 3000

GPO Box 9827
Melbourne Vic 3001
DX 423 Melbourne


Level 1
11. Mounts Bay Road

GPO Box 9827
Perth WA 6001
DX 158 Perth

Information that can be useful

The most recent version of your company’s name

You are not able to change the registered name of your business.

If you are looking to do business under a brand new or alternative name, you need to apply for a new name.

External Links

Australian Securities and Investments Commission

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