How to Withdrawal of Fish Seed Production Certificate In Uganda

Withdrawal of Fish Seed Production Certificate In Uganda By Online

  1. A person or business cannot produce , distribute or offer fish seed to farmers without an official fish Seed Production Certificate issued by an Aquaculture Inspector.
  2. A Aquaculture Inspector could decide to deny or remove an Aquaculture Seed Production Certificate if the production of fish seeds and hatchery facilities and broodstock are not in conformity to the Guidelines and Code of Practices of Aquaculture as formulated by the Chief Fisheries Office.
  3. An Aquaculture Inspector can revoke an Aquaculture Inspector’s Fish Seed Production Certificate if the nursery, person or establishment isn’t operating in conformity with the established guidelines and rules.
  4. If an Aquaculture Inspector declines to issue an Fish Seed Production Certificate, the inspector must communicate in writing the reason for refusing to issue the certification to the establishment or the applicant.

Required Documents For Withdrawal of Fish Seed Production Certificate

  • Fishing license
  • Fish seed production details
  • Production of Fish Seeds
  • Fish Seed production equipment Details.
  • Hatchery facilities or breeding facilities
  • Nursery plan or the establishment plan
  • Document about the species of fish.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. (MAAIF)Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 320 006
Contact Email:

Department of Fisheries Resources
Plot 29, Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 4 Entebbe
Tel. +256-414-322026


All foreigners and those who reside in Uganda with a fishing pass or license are eligible.
Foreign tourist need to have the tourist visa


The distribution of the fish seed production certificate withdrawal fee is contingent on the payment of an amount. The criteria for determining the amount of fees that must be paid to licensing authorities are different.


The license issued under the Act can be used for one year . It will expires on the 31st day of December each year.

Processing Time

The process can take 3 months up to six months.

The Information You Need

  • The Fishing licence, and the rules during the process of producing Fish seed.
  • The equipment used in fishing is part of the Production of fish seeds
  • Information on special seed for fish production
  • Information about the food items that are consumed during the production of fish seeds
  • The transfer and transportation of the fish seed are carried out during the Fish Seed production period
  • Shipping and packing of the production of fish seeds.
  • Plan of establishment and location the production of fish seed
  • Information about the fish seed to be sold and produced.
  • Specifics of information about Fish Species and other inputs.

The Document is required

  • The person who is fishing must have a valid fishing permit before fishing the inland waters or transporting fish caught from waters that are inland. The person must keep their fishing license on the person at all times while carrying or fishing. They is required to show the license to any employee of the department, warden or landowner upon demand.

Information that could be helpful

  • Nobody in Uganda is permitted to export or import live fish or or other animal of the water without consent by the Minister.
  • Any person who is in violation of the provisions of section (1) (1) of the Fishing Act is guilty of an offence and is punishable on conviction or imprisoned for a period of five years or either of these punishments as well as the aquatic animal or fish is forfeited and returned to Uganda Government. Uganda Government.
  • Non-intentionally, notwithstanding the requirements under paragraph (1) (1) of the Fishing Act the Minister has the authority, from moment to moment, to export or import a special kind of fish, or another aquatic animal with the intention of exchanging information about fishing or research.
  • The Sea Fisheries Act provide Regulations that require every fishing vessel has to have a registration at the Ministry of Fisheries Development and require that vessels be licensed prior to being transferred. The regulations also stipulate that specific conditions are laid out for fishing vessels involved in shrimp Trawling.

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