How to Apply for Coconut, Cocoa and Spices Works Licence In Jamaica

Apply for Coconut, Cocoa and Spices Works Licence In Jamaica By Online

Application In Person

  1. To apply for an Works License from the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) You must visit the JACRA office. You can find JACRA’s contact information through here: Link
  2. Get the application form at the JACRA office in Person or download it from the following link: Link
  3. Complete the application according to the requirements, and then include all required documents listed below in the “Required Documents” section to the form below.
  4. Visit the JACRA office, pay the application fee at the cashier. You will receive the receipt for payment. You may also pay the application fee at the bank and request an official banker’s signature
  5. Complete the application and submit it complete application to the JACRA office, located at the service desk
  6. The official will examine your application . If it’s true you will receive an acknowledgement receipt for your application
  7. When you have submitted an application JACRA is going to contact you within 7 days of receiving of the application . They will confirm if the application has been approved or if they need additional information from you in order to complete the application
  8. When your request is fully completed and meets the requirements You will be informed that processing will begin with your contact information. If not you are notified of the criteria to be met for the application to be considered.
  9. Your application is processed, and you will receive the license to work.

Application Online

  1. In order to apply to get Works License, you must apply for Works License using the online application form, go to this page: Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) website: Link
  2. When you are on the site Once you are on the website, click “RESOURCES” in the info bar. This will click on the link, and then click “FORMS” to access the form page.
  3. Scroll down until you come across “Application for Work Licence” and then click that to launch the web-based application form.
  4. Learn the details provided and prepare the documents for upload
  5. Fill out your online form, supplying the necessary information. Make sure to choose “New” in”Type of Application” in the “Type of Application” section.
  6. After you’ve submitted the completed form, and are uploading all necessary supporting documents, click “SUBMIT the FORM”
  7. After submitting your application after submitting your application, JACRA will notify you within 7 days after receiving your application to let you know whether your application was successful or if they require additional details from you to finish the application.
  8. When your request is completed and meets the requirements If it is, you will be informed that the processing of your application will start. If otherwise then, you will be informed of the conditions to be met for your application to be considered.
  9. Your application is processed, and you will be issued the Works License

Required Documents For Apply for Coconut, Cocoa and Spices Works Licence 

  • A valid licence under the Factories Act
  • A valid temporary permit or license in accordance with the Natural Resources and Conservation Authority Act
  • A complete description of the process proposed
  • Documents of incorporation
  • Concept of business
  • Reference of Banker
  • Two business acquaintances
  • The list of names and qualifications of the key individuals in the company (including the CEO/Manager as well as the Factory/Plant Manager)

Office Locations and Contacts

Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority
Address 1. Willie Henry Drive, P.O. PO Box 508 Kingston 13, Jamaica W.I.
Telephone: (876)-758-1259
Fax: (876)-758-3907
For inquiries regarding permits or licenses you can email
Contact information and map of the location: Link


  • Businesses and individuals who would like to sell, export or import coconut, cocoa, and Spices


  • Application cost: JMD 500
  • Fee details:Link


  • This license will be valid for two years.

Documents to Utilize

  • Formulary for application: Link

Processing Time

  • The JACRA will send feedback to applicants within 7 days of receiving the application but the timeframe for processing depends on the quality of the application


  • The application must be properly complete to avoid any unnecessary delays. Note that incomplete applications are not considered by JACRA
  • In relation to coffee, you have to show a production capacity of at minimum 6,000 boxes of cherry coffee (evidenced by reports or records of the past three (3) years).
  • A request for an JACRA Issued Works Licence should also accompany an application letter to obtain an Export Licence for JACRA restricted products

Requirements Information

  • Type of application
  • Basic Information
  • Information about the company
  • Declaration
  • Questions that are compulsory

The Document is required

  • It is necessary to obtain a license for commercialization of products that are regulated by JACRA

External Links



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