What is an electron?

What is an electron? This question can be answered from either physics or chemical angles. Let’s begin with chemistry. They are the most important factor that determines the properties atoms. Because they interact between neighboring molecules to create molecules, they are also the most important. To form a covalent or ionic bond, electrons from one atom can be shared with or donated to other atoms. An atom’s electrons form orbitals or shells — only the orbitals or electrons at the outermost part of an atom interact with each other. This is the main determinant of an element’s behavior in chemical interaction. Let’s now look at electrons through the lens of physics. The electron is a tiny, univisible charge particle with a negative (minus), charge. They are so smooth and perfectly round that if an electron were to be expanded to the orbit of Pluto’s size, it would have no bumps larger than a hair. Essentially, “electrons” is the borderline of material and energy. They can behave as waves or particles depending on how they’re observed. They surround an atom and form an “orbital”, which is described using a quantum wave function. It can take various forms, such as a dumbbell, sphere, or donut. The electron doesn’t actually move around like we imagine. Instead, it is “everywhere at the same time” within a particular cloud or probability distribution. The electron is a single entity that has the property spin. The spin of electrons is on a specific axis. However, a magnetic field can change the angle of spin. They are fascinating, mysterious, important and interesting entities that we don’t know enough about.

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