Which projects should I prefer for final year engineering in electronics and telecommunications department?

There are a variety of domains within electronics and telecommunication engineering , like digital electronics, CMOS VLSI, analog electronics processing electromagnetics and antennas, radar engineering , communication theory , etc. Therefore, first determine which area you are most interested in .You can seek out the assistance of your instructors working in these domains.Once you’ve chosen the area, consult one of your teachers working in that field to learn the most recent research being conducted in the area .Go through the research papers in the field you are interested in . Then, you can attempt to implement the ideas of the study .That is a great option, I would think .

For instance, if you work in the Image processing, you can attempt to create an appropriate hardware to support a specific algorithm( could be a recently published one ) This will significantly increase the speed of the algorithm , or you may try to implement that algorithm with any DSP processor or consider gpu/hardware acceleration for the algorithm .

IOT is another intriguing area.

Algorithms for security in computers is an fascinating area .

I hope this helps:)

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