How to Acquire Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) Land In Jamaica

Acquire Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) Land In Jamaica By Online

Application In Person

  1. To acquire to purchase the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) land through sale or lease according to an Unsolicited Expressions Of Interest i.e. but not under the terms of advertised property owned by the PAJ it is possible to submit your entire application at the PAJ office to be processed.
  2. After you have found an opportunity you’re interested in, you should create an outline of your business and submit an unannounced statement of interests (EOI) directed to the Chief Executive Officer of PAJ.
  3. Send your EOI along with your company plan in the office of the PAJ in person, or mail it to their email address at the address listed within the “Office Locations and Contacts” section.
  4. After receiving your application, the PAJ will confirm your application and provide you with feedback on the the acceptance of your application
  5. You will need to perform a valuation of the property you’re considering purchasing by a licensed property appraiser and then submit a purchase proposal to the PAJ on the basis of the appraisal of the property
  6. When you submit your purchase proposal and the PAJ will be reviewed through an official from the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) to determine the property’s value
  7. Following the UDC valuation is completed, they will market on the property as well conduct a bid tender exercise for the property. You are required to make a proposal on the basis of the advertisement.
  8. Then PAJ will award an award based on bidding, and then discuss an agreement to purchase
  9. After PAJ accepts your offer, they’ll forward this offer on to the board of UDC of directors for approval.
  10. If you are approved and If the PAJ approves of the application, they will issue an agreement for sale or lease for the property. You are required to go to their office in order to get an original copy of the last executed agreement.

Required Documents For Acquire Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ) Land 

  • Non-solicited Expressions of Interest
  • Business plan
  • Any other document of relevance that could be used to support your application

Office Locations and Contacts

The Port Authority of Jamaica
Address 15-17 Duke Street
Tel: (876) 922-0290

Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm


  • Companies and individuals who want to purchase PAJ property are qualified


  • The value of land varies, and the cost will be stated in the agreements documents


  • If you acquire the property, it will be valid for the duration stated in the lease agreement , or until you decide to sell it.

Processing Time

  • The application will be processed within three months.


  • You may also buy the property of PAJ when they promote in their printed media. In this instance they will provide the steps to follow and documents that you must submit for a successful bid as well as purchase

The Information You Need

  • The purpose of the use
  • The details of the person/s making the request.
  • A purchase offer is made for the land

Need to have the Document

  • The purchase/lease agreement that you obtain by the PAJ is binding for both parties and shows that you’ve acquired the property legally manner.

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