How to Acquire Private Land In Jamaica

Acquire Private Land In Jamaica By Online

How to Purchase

  1. First, you must locate the land you would like to purchase. You can do this on your own , or with the help of a licensed broker or agent.
  2. Conduct due diligence regarding the land prior to you sign any agreements or documents. Examine the following areas to avoid potential problems in the future:
    • The deed and ownership history is determined through a land search to establish the ownership of the land
    • Check that your property taxes are paid to the date.
    • Verify existing zoning as well as any possible issues with zoning.
    • Take a trip to the area to examine the physical features e.g. the hillside or flood-prone.
    • Verify the restrictions on use and construction code requirements of the site.
    • Find out if utilities are available such as water, electricity, communication lines, etc.
  3. In the next step, you should hire a surveyor examine the land and create the plot’s map. The surveyor will also set pegs that mark lines around the property. It is important to note that a survey of the land and title search must be completed to ensure that there aren’t any other claims or conflicting interest has been recorded against the property.
  4. When your due diligence has been completed and you’re satisfied with the findings, either take the offer from the seller or make an offer.
  5. Talk with the seller about the most affordable cost for your land. after negotiating an agreementwith the buyer, both along with his lawyer will draft an agreement for sale .
  6. Then , both sellers and you have to sign the contract for sale in the presence of a witness.
  7. After signing the agreement, you’ll have to pay a specific percentage of the purchase cost of your land. Once the agreement is executed, it becomes legally binding for both parties.
  8. The signed contract is then to be delivered by the post office in 30 days after signing for the payment for the transfer tax as well as the stamp duty fee. The seller is required to pay the transfer tax , and the stamp duty charge is to be paid by sellers and you in equally parts i.e. 50/50 and the payment for the tax as well as stamp duty is recorded on the form and then signed by the stamp commissioner. you will receive an official certificate from the stamp commissioner that confirms the amount paid.
  9. The seller will make an application for registration of the title, taking into account the time limit for registration i.e. If the land was not registered prior to registration (common title under law) the deadline is two months. If it fails, which the transfer will be invalid. In the event that there was a registration, it’s suggested to register the transfer within the time frame of 30 days for priority. In the event of not doing so could cause the buyer to lose his rights in favour of another application.
  10. The department of land title will examine to determine whether the process of purchasing the land is right and all is conforming to the standard required.
  11. If the title to the land confirms their research you will receive this official title certificate

Required Documents For  Acquire Private Land

  • Title to Land Title
  • Prove Tax payments
  • Sales Agreement
  • Tax Registration Number
  • Identification documents

Office Locations and Contacts

The National Land Agency
Land Titles Division
Address: Address: Hanover Street, Kingston
Tel: 876-750-5263/946-5263
Fax: (876) 922-3858
Contact details: Link

Mon – Thurs: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


  • People who are looking to purchase privately owned land within Jamaica


  • Fees depend on the current market worth of land


  • After you have purchased the property, it will belong to you for life, unless you decide to sell it.

Processing Time

  • Between 30 and 90 days , based on the mode of purchase, i.e., cash sale or mortgage


  • The process of purchasing land can be a bit complicated and involves many legalities. You’ll require the assistance of a licensed lawyer to guide you through the procedure
  • In a transaction involving a land sale after an Agreement for Sale has been completed and the parties have signed it the agreement, it is legally binding and formal.

Documentation is needed

  • Get a land title that is certified which proves you own the land you bought

External Links

  • National Land Agency: Link



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