How to Acquire Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings (SCJH) Limited Land In Jamaica

Acquire Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings (SCJH) Limited Land In Jamaica By Online

Application In Person

  1. To acquire this Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings (SCJH) limited land through either lease or sale as part of an Unsolicited Expression of Interest i.e. the land is not being sold as a result of a property that is advertised by the SCJH You can send your application in full to the SCJH’s Office for processing, look up their contact details by clicking this hyperlink: Link
  2. The first step is to ensure that you have a plan of work or concept paper prepared from which you can extract the details you’ll have to include as element of your proposal
  3. After you have found an opportunity you’re interested in, you should write an uninvited statement of your interest (EOI) directed at the SCJH chief executive officer, clearly stating the following:
    • The reason for making use of the land
    • The contact details of the person making the request.
    • A purchase offer to purchase the land
  4. Send an EOI to the office of the SCJH in person, or mail it to their email address to the one listed within the “Office Locations and Contacts” section.
  5. Once you have submitted your application after receiving your application, SCJH will examine the application and then send you an email with what steps need to take with regard to your application
  6. The SCJH will be reviewing your request by an independent panel called the Urban Development Corporation (UDC)to ascertain the worth of the land.
  7. After the UDC appraisal after which the SCJH will promote this property, and then conduct tender or bidding exercise for the property. You must make a proposal that is in line with the advertisement.
  8. The SCJH will award an award based upon the bidding. Then, they will discuss an agreement to purchase with you
  9. When SCJH accepts your offer, they’ll send it to the appropriate ministry to get ministerial approval.
  10. If your application is approved and If the SCJH approves of the application, they will issue an agreement for the sale or lease for the property. You’ll have to go to their office in order to get a copy of the signed final agreement.

Documents that are required

  • Incomplete Expressions of Interest
  • Plan of the project
  • Any other document of relevance to help your application

Office Locations and Contacts

The Sugar Company of Jamaica Holdings
Lot 12 Innswood
Old Harbour Road
P. O. Box 874
Spanish Town, St. Catherine
Mon – Friday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Tel: (876) 618-5890/618-5863/943-4457/943-4517
Website: Link


  • Individuals and companies who wish to purchase SCJH property are eligible.


  • The value of the land will be included in the documents of the agreement


  • If you acquire the property, it will be valid for the duration stated in the lease contract or until you decide to sell it.

Processing Time

  • The application will be processed within five (5) months.


  • It is also possible to purchase SCJH’s property if they promote in their printed media. In this instance they will outline the steps to follow and the documents that you must submit for a successful bid as well as purchase

Requirements Information

  • The purpose of the use
  • The details of the person/s who submitted the request.
  • A purchase offer is made for the land

The Document is required

  • The contract for lease/sale that you obtain through the SCJH is legally binding for both parties, and confirms that you’ve obtained the property legally manner.

External Links



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