How To Adoption by foreign parents In Algeria

How To Adoption by foreign parents In Algeria

Step 1. Choose an adoption agency that is a licensed agency in Algeria or in another country:

People who wish to adopt an infant from Algeria must contact any legally approved adoption service agency to get more details regarding the adoption process, whether in Algeria or elsewhere.

Step 2. The investigation of authorized bodies to determine the requirements for eligibility:

Algeria consulate or embassy and Algeria

  • An adoptive parent who is interested in adopting must make an application for kafala the Algerian Embassy or consulate
  • After the Algerian Embassy has received this request, along with any information that is included the social services department will commence an investigation into the parents who are aspiring to become.
  • If the social service division offers a positive recommendation to adoption If it is a positive recommendation, it will be recommended to the Algerian Embassy in Washington will send the dossier for review to Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Algeria who will then transmit the dossier for review by the Ministry of National Solidarity.
  • The Commission of the Ministry of National Solidarity will take the final decision as to the decision to give the kafala
In the country that is receiving it.
  • sign the contract and then visit the authorized authority for adoption of the government or the agency you would like to adopt in your own country.
  • You will receive an application form. Fill it in correctly and attach the documents required

Step 3. Begin by forming a bond with your child:

  • If you’re eligible to adopt and a kid is considered for cross-country adoption and you are eligible to adopt, it is possible to adopt them. Commission of the Ministry of National Solidarity in Algeria will give you a an orphanage list in Algeria which you could check with to see whether any children who are eligible are available.
  • In the event that a kid is suitable for adoption, the parents must travel to Algeria to supervise the child and provide guidance
  • When all the legal conditions in place, the parents will receive an adoption certificate issued by the Registry of Births as well as Deaths after an Adoption Orders are approved.

Step 4. The Immigrant Visa of Your Child and Bring Your Child home:

  • The applicant must comply with the specifications that are set by Algeria’s Government of Algeria and the laws of the country in which they are accepted.
  • You’ll be required to submit an application for specific documents i.e.
The birth certificate () Birth Certificate

  • The birth certificate is available from the relevant orphanage, because they will have the birth certificates of every child they take in.
  • After receiving the kafala the adoptive parent can ask for an updated birth certificate from the local city (mairie) (mairie) that is located in the child’s birthplace , as stated on the birth certificate that was obtained from the orphanage
B) Algeria passport:
In order to obtain the Algerian passport of the child the adoptive parent has to provide on his behalf:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Citizenship certificate (for those born in Algeria the birth certificate is the document proving citizenship);
  • Certificate of residency;
  • 4 photographs 4 photos
  • Tax stamp.
C) Immigrant Visa:
After you’ve received the new birth certificate as well as travel document for the child, you need to file with the immigration department for an visa that permits the parent to travel with their child

Documents Required Adoption by foreign parents

  • Request in writing for Kafala and the reasons.
  • Birth certificates from both partners.
  • The Family Form (Fiche Family) for the married couple.
  • Medical certifications
  • Criminal records provided by authorities in the country where they reside.
  • Work permit
  • Pay stubs from the last three months.
  • The copy of consular registration cards.
  • The title to the lease or property.
  • Recently, a photo that shows the parentsID of the
  • Any other document that an authority decides is appropriate.

Note:All documents should be translated to English or French

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of National Solidarity:
101 and 105 rue DidoucheMourad,
16000 Algiers, Algeria
Telephone: (+ 213) 21 74 14 71; (+213) 21 23 79 85; (+213) 23 49 12 02
Email: contact(at); dir.executive(at); nada.reseau(at)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Website Alegeria

How To Adoption by foreign parents In Algeria
How To Adoption by foreign parents In Algeria

What Are All The Eligibility

The applicant must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • The age at which a man can reach maximum Age limit for men: 60 years.
  • The maximum age for women is 55 years old.
  • You must be in good health (medical certificates are required).
  • It must be an Algerian national with a Muslim confessional as well as Algerian nationality.
  • Good accommodation.
  • You must earn a minimum amount after deducting all expenses
  • Evidence of similar conditions can be found for a woman who is single, divorced or widowed

Child must meet the following requirements for eligibility:

  • The child is evicted and the location of the guardians/parents are not known.
  • A child has been abandoned, and there is no guardian or caregiver who will look after the child.
  • The parent/guardians of the child have granted consent to the child’s adoption (parent provide adoptions).
  • voluntarilyRelinquishment by the birth parents
  • The child must be younger than 19 years old.


  • Legal fees to process the application are required at different phases of the application process.
  • The cost of these fees varies based on the agency you work with to help you with the adoption process.


  • The validity period lasts forever, unless it is revoked by the Child service’s authorities, because of child harm or neglect and abuse to the child


The process of adopting an infant from Algeria typically consists of the steps:

  • Choose an Adoption Services Provider.
  • Apply to be deemed eligible to Adopt.
  • Get Matched with a Child.
  • Adopt a child in Algeria.
  • Request that the child be considered eligible for adoption.
  • Bring your child home.

The Information You Need

  • Biodata and full names of the applicant(s)
  • Marital status
  • Medical report of the adoptive parents
  • Financial status
  • The date of birth of the child and gender.
  • Criminal records of applicants
  • Country of origin for applicants
  • The occupation of the applicant
  • The reasons the adoption process to an Algerian child
  • The attitudes of family members towards adoption
  • Plans for the adoption child

The Document is required Adoption by foreign parents

  • This document provides applicants with the guidance regarding how to apply for the adoption of a child Algeria
  • Adoption is the legal procedure that allows a child to become the child of someone other than biological or natural parents.
  • If a child is legally adopted, the adopter or adopters are their child’s parent(s).
  • Legal adoptions forever give all rights and responsibilities and filiation, away from the parent who is biological or.

Information that can be useful

The following individuals are not permitted to be adopted to Algeria:

  1. Does not appear to be of sound mind as per Mental Health act Mental Health act
  2. A person has been found guilty and charged by a court with competent jurisdiction with any of the crimes stipulated under the Third Schedule to the Act or similar offenses. The most common of the prescribed offenses are sexual offenses, defilement, indecent behavior, and attempts to induce abortion, unlawful offenses and assault.
  3. Is it a homosexual it is illegal to be homosexual in Algeria and this is the reason why they prohibit gay people from adopting children.
  4. If joint applicants, even if they do not have a marriage contract with one another.
  5. Are you the sole male from outside of the country applicant

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