How To Apply for Temporary Driver Licence In Algeria

How To Apply for Temporary Driver Licence In Algeria

What is the procedure to submit:One must enrol at an accredited driving school in Algeria for the purpose of training. After successfully completing the course the qualified candidates are legally required to obtain temporary driver’s license.

  1. Take all the necessary documents and then visit the daira as well as the district administrative at your residence.
  2. Completely fill in the application form available from the above office and download the form from the Ministry of interior website by clicking this link. Permits
  3. Attach all the required information to the form and then submit it to the official in attendance to be verified
  4. The official in charge will confirm the documents.
  5. If all the data are correct If all the information is correct, you will be issued with temporary licenses valid for a year.

Documents that are required Temporary Driver Licence

  • Form that is accurately filled out and signed form signed by the applicant
  • Residences card
  • Medical certificate
  • Two copies of the identity photo in color, recent and identical
  • The blood type of the group is copied
  • Tax stamp (500 DA)

Office Locations and Contacts

01, CheminIbnBadis El-Mouiz Ex Poirsson,
El-Biar, Algiers 16300
Tel. : +213 (0) 21 92 98 85/86/87.

What Are All The Eligibility

  • 17 and over


  • Five hundred (500) DA Tax stamp fee


  • The license is valid for two years.

Documents to Utilize

(application form)
(medical certificate)


  • The driving document for the delivery of a license is kept at the daira or in an administrative district or or at the place where the resident lives of the in question.

The Information You Need

  • National ID card
  • Name of the person who is applying
  • Nationality
  • Address
  • Gender
  • Medical certificate
  • Blood group

Documentation is needed

  • This document proves you’re able to drive during the time you are waiting for the DL you have received. having no DL or a temporary DL on public roads, is a crime that is punishable under the law.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • Temporary driver’s licenses can be used to prove identity.

External Links


How To Apply for Temporary Driver Licence In Algeria
How To Apply for Temporary Driver Licence In Algeria

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