How To Apply for a Divorce In Gabon

How To Apply for a Divorce In Gabon

In Gabon the Constitution guarantees that women and men are equal before the law.

  • Gather all the documents required for the divorce.
  • Send in your application with the other required documents.
  • After the notice of the acceptance of divorce has been acknowledged, both parties are able to take the official endorsement of the divorce in the official in which the marriage was recorded.
  • Amicable divorce is when the parties who are divorced agree and go to the registrar’s office, sign and sign their signatures and it becomes effective immediately. Husband is not able to take his wife back without consent and she is not able to remarry any other person (other other than her husband) for three months or until she is born in the event of pregnancy, following which she is free to marry anyone she chooses.
  • Divorce in Absentia in which the husband divorces unilaterally the wife.
  • The divorce can also be annulled unintentionally in this situation, but with the consent of the wife within the three-month waiting period (unless it’s the third divorce in succession).
  • People in Northern Gabon have a patriarcal system, which means that when a woman divorces the Fang man, their children tend to remain together with that Man. Contrarily, those of Southen Gabon as well as other regions generally follow an agrarian system. When parents divorce, children must stay in the home of their mother. , Gabonese law requires that children remain with their mother untilattains the age of six years old.
  • Divorce is only allowed only in the case of an offense and any separation between husband and wife has to be approved by the judges. If a woman is absent from the home where she was married, she will be punished for adultery. Men are only penalized for leaving the marital residence if the man knows the wife’s pregnant.
  • If your husband walked away by himself, it’s divorce it’s a divorce in absentia , and when he changes his mind with the consent of his wife, this can take place within three months (in certain jurisdictions, the time frame is 4 months, 10 days and if the wife’s pregnant , it’s until the time she gives birth).
  • In short it is that a wife can’t divorce herself unilaterally and it’s a bit difficult.
  • When it comes to the Christian divorce situation, the divorce process is extremely complicated and complex as it may be impossible, even when both parties are in agreement to divorce. the church may not divorce both parties, but only on the an extreme level of adultery.
  • In this instance, the law will be applied.

Documents that are required Apply for a Divorce

  • Affidavit of Residence or Declaration of Residency
  • Certificate of Marriage Certificate
  • ID Card (original and photocopy)
  • The signature of the applicant is acknowledged by the Notary
  • The certificate is issued by the priest or Court.
  • Birth Certificate (spouse)

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Social Affairs, Family & Solidarity

Bote Postale 5684,


Telephone number: 241 (1) 761-700

Ministry of Interior, Local Collectives

Bote Postale 2233,


Phone: +241 (1) 761-44

Fax : +241 (1) 761-760-098

What Are All The Eligibility

Every citizen of Gabon who are over 18 years of age are able to apply for their marriage to be annulled.


The fee is 30 CAF


The offer is valid for as long as you want.

Processing Time

It takes anywhere from 3 months to one year for a divorce to take effect, however sometimes it can be as long as three years in more complicated cases.


A divorced woman is entitled to certain rights to financial benefits under certain conditions. These rights include:

Marriage financial support
  • If the wife who is divorced manages to bring an action against her husband in a pre-divorce settlement of one year.
  • If the husband who was divorced did not provide the wife who was divorced with financial assistance prior to the divorce.

The wife who is divorced can bring a lawsuit against her husband, claiming what’s called waiting period support . It is determined by the court.

The wife who is divorced can bring a suit against her ex-husband , seeking compensation for alimony to be calculated on an annual basis in the hands of the judge or a competent judge.

If the wife is given parental rights to her child. Children that are born out of marriage and less than five years old are granted to the mother in accordance with certain conditions set by the appropriate court. The spouse and husband who are divorced may waive all or a portion of their rights and agree to share custody of their children.

The Information You Need

  • Marriage certificate
  • Identification Documents such as identity cards.
  • Date of wedding
  • Religion
  • Office where marriage was recorded.

The Document is required Apply for a Divorce

  • Divorce is most likely the only that married couples want to avoid. If you initiated the divorce and/or not, divorce can change your life and leave a lot of people contemplating what to do next.
  • The divorce process is stressful that unfortunately, lots of suffer through. It’s not just about you, but all your family members.
  • Divorce is not commonplace in Gabon however it is not uncommon.
  • The divorce laws in Gibon are numerous. There are laws governing community property that state that all property is split equally between the couple who is divorced. Both spouses can file for divorce, regardless of whether they are female or male. Children of the marriage that are younger than five years old will be automatically granted by the mother.

External Links

How To Apply for a Divorce In Gabon
How To Apply for a Divorce In Gabon



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