How To Apply for a Refugee Visa In Gabon

How To Apply for a Refugee Visa In Gabon

  • The applicant files a refugee relatives petition, along with evidence of the relationship, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates and marriage certificates;
  • Documents are reviewed in the official office of the organization to verify connections and eligibility.
  • After viewing , documents are accepted or rejected
  • If the application is approved, it will be forwarded to the appropriate immigration office or Embassy.
  • Participants are questioned to confirm their the authenticity of their identities.

Documents that are required Refugee Visa

  • Identification cards
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificates

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Foreign affairs, Cooperation, Francophonie & Regional Integration

Bote Postale 2245,


Telephone : +241 (1) 727-600or 742-370

Fax : +241 (1) 742-375.

Gabons embassies, high commissions , or consulates in countries outside of Gabon. A list of these plus their contacts can be downloaded from

How To Apply for a Refugee Visa In Gabon
How To Apply for a Refugee Visa In Gabon

What Are All The Eligibility

  • People who have been resettled into Gabon in the form of refugees, or were granted asylum are able to apply for the spouse of their minors, and this should be by the end of two (2) years.
  • People who have been reclassified as permanent residents who previously held refugee status or asylum
  • You will need to receive a referral for consideration by the Refugee Admissions Program to be considered as an applicant for refugee status.


Free of Cost


Valid for two years, after which it is necessary to renew.

Processing Time

The process can take anywhere from between 3 and 6 months.


  • The applicant must meet the standard requirements for refugees in regards to excludingability.
  • Applicant must have obtained the status of an applicant through adjudication and not on a on a derivative basis.
  • The position should be filled by the end of two years.
  • Beneficiaries include spouses or children who are under 18, even if they’re not married.
  • Asylum seekers have to prove that they are able to justify their fear of being targeted for future persecution, for example, due to race or religious belief, nationality, or belonging to a specific social group, or on the political views. ;
  • The persecutors must be conducted by the government, or by a organization that the government cannot be able to control.
  • A person granted asylum for political reasons can remain in Gabon indefinitely , and can seek permanent residence after a year.
  • Dependents who are over 18 (18) years old can be enrolled independently;
  • Respect all laws and regulations of your country.
  • Follow all measures taken to ensure the public order.
  • It is not advisable to engage in actions that could jeopardize the security of the state, damage the public interest, or disturb public order.
  • Should not engage in any political activity;
  • It is not advisable to engage in any actions that are aimed at another country.
  • If employed in a job that is lucrative it is mandatory to pay the appropriate taxes.

The Information You Need

  • Complete information about the applicant;
  • Contact information
  • Birth date of applicant
  • Information about the relationship with the beneficiary
  • The beneficiary’s details
  • Age of the beneficiary
  • Nationality

The Document is required Refugee Visa

  • To be considered to participate in an application for a Refugee program, the applicant must be refugees. Someone who is not in their nation of citizenship or their home country, who is not able or unwilling to return to the country due to persecution or a legitimate fear of being targeted for persecution due to religion, race or nationality, and/or membership in a certain ethnic group, or political viewpoint. In addition, he/she should be able prove that they are not completely resettled in another country and falls under the refugee processing priority.
  • Based on the provisions of the Acts of the Law of the Documentation and Immigration Act (DAM). Refugees do not comprise any person who has was a victim of, or who incited or was involved with the persecution or repression of any individual due to race or nationality, religion, or belonging to a specific social group or political opinions.

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