How To Apply for a Resident Permit In Gabon

How To Apply for a Resident Permit In Gabon

  • The basic documents needed to apply for a resident permit in Gabon
  • Third-country residents that have expressed desire to obtain a the resident Visa in Gabon need to fill in the necessary form, provided that the applicant is not a criminal record and is earning an annual income that is insured of the appropriate amount

Include a recent color passport photo;

  • Copy of the repatriation warranty and photocopy in the form of an original (for fees-paying residence permits);
  • The 3 pages that comprise the applicant’s current passport, along with the one that contains the last entry visa to the country, and a copy of the original or a duplicate of the consular card with the an original passport;
  • Copy of the previous residency permit plus a copy to the person who issued it (for renewals).
  • Note: To fulfill the requirement of granting a residency permit, if a person arrived in the country using an admission permit send the original note to Airports and Border Police.
  • The residency permit is valid for two years, with one month of grace. The requirements for renewing the residency permit have to be completed at the earliest within the final month in which it is valid.
  • Anyone who has not renew their residency permit before the close of the month following the expiration of the permit to reside is subject to be penalized (penalty). Similar applies in the event theft or loss the card.

Documents Required Resident Permit

  • Gabon Entry Visa requires a valid passport that has at least six months of validity remaining.
  • 1 visa application form.
  • You are required to provide a 2″x2″ passport-style photograph.
  • A letter from your address at home addressed to “Embassy of Gabon ” outlining the reason of your trip and securing the financial support you need during your time in Gabon.
  • Pay a Consultation Fee

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Defence, Security & Immigration

Bote Postale 13493,


Telephone : +241 (1) 780-835

The Office of Presidents of the Republic GABON

Department of Immigration

BP 546 Libreville GABON

Phone (241) 72 76 00 / 01 02

Telephone (241) Telephone (241)

What Are All The Eligibility

Non-nationals are able to get temporary residence for 3-5 years (renewable) within Gabon when they belong to one or more of these categories

1. Non-national husbands from Gabon.

2. Children:

  • Minor children have the right to an ordinary or special housing in the same way as their deceased father.
  • Adult children of fathers who are eligible for special, normal or 3 year residency if an income source is available.

3. Employed by the public sector, government institutions or public sector corporations. public business.

4. Personnel employed by Departments of the Government and who retired from them.

5. Residents who have lived in Gabon for at least 10 years.

6. Non-natives living in home for disabled and elderly.

7. Political refugees.

8. Refugees who are registered with the UN Higher Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

9. Spouses of non-nationals who are who are entitled to special or regular residence.

10.Gabon spouses who have lost their nationality following marriage to non-nationals as well as the attainment of citizenship.

11. Children and spouses of non-nationals who are exempt from residence permits and other restrictions.

12. Non-nationals who have, for whatever reason, have waived their right to residence in a special or normal manner.

13. Non-natives who, as per international treaties, have the right to apply for a residence permit of 3 years.

14. The applicants who have been granted approval for three years of residence by Ministry of Interior. Ministry of Interior.

15. Children and spouses of non-nationals who have been granted 3 years residence under any of the prior circumstances.

5 Year Residence

Non-nationals of France can obtain temporary residence for 5 years (renewable) for a period of 5 years in Gabon when they fall into one among the categories listed below:

1. Investors.

2. Gabon with their small children who lost their nationality because of their acceptance to citizenship in a foreign country.

3. Children:

  • of Gabon mother.
  • Whose father was awarded Gabon citizenship
  • Children of adults whose mothers are legally entitled to a special, normal or 5 year residency in the event of the death of their father.
  • Aged 60 or over who have resided in Gabon for a period of 10 years, as long as a means of earning income exists readily available to them.
  • Non-nationals who, as per international treaties, have the right to obtain a residence permit for 5 years.
  • Widows and spouses of Gabon.
  • Spouses of foreign nationals who are with the right to normal residence.
  • Parents and spouses of non-nationals, who are entitled to five years of residence under any of the prior instances.


  • The fees required for French Citizen: 250,000 CFA francs
  • Other nationalities Other nationalities CFA Francs
  • Cost of re-issuing permits Cost: 100,000 CFA in francs, regardless of nationality.


  • Validity period 5 years for french citizen

Validity period 2 years for any Other Nationalities

Processing Time

Between 3 and 6 months


This permit for Special Residence is only granted to foreigners who have been in Gabon for more than 10 years. However, you must have been born within Gabon. If you have been in Gabon for more than 20 years and whose stays have been uninterrupted. it also grants their wives and children who fall into one of the categories above.

The Information You Need

  • A valid passport that at a minimum has 6 months validity
  • One Clear Coloured photograph
  • Letter of application to the passport , Immigration and National Authority within the Ministry of interior
  • Application form completed
  • Acceptance of payments of 250,000 CFA to purchase the category of permit for residents.
  • Security clearance for police either is available in English or Arabic
  • The CV must be signed by the applicant.

The Document is required Resident Permit

  • You are planning to move to Gabon? You’ll need a Residence Permit. It is vital when you intend to remain in Gabon for longer than the 90 days you receive in your business or tourist visa. A residence permit permits you to live in Gabon that is given to foreign nationals who are 16 and over who are granted an the right to stay for an extended period of time in Gabon.
  • Residence permits can be obtained through the Department of Documentation and Immigration (French acronym: D.G.D.I). It is the Department of Documentation and Immigration provides two kinds of residence permits:
  • Free residency permits (GC)
  • permit to reside with a fee (PC)
  • Free residence permits are granted to contractual expatriates employed by the Gabonese State technical support staff, their families as well as certain priests and students who receive Foreign State Grants.
  • The issue of a residency permit that is fee-paying is contingent upon the payment of fees as well as the following guarantee:
  • Repatriation guarantees, contingent on the country of origin.
  • These residence permits are granted following the assessment and approval of the application made by the person who is applying for it.

External Links

How To Apply for a Resident Permit In Gabon
How To Apply for a Resident Permit In Gabon



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