How to Apply for Broker Clerk identity (ID) In Jamaica

Apply for Broker Clerk identity (ID) In Jamaica By Online

Application In Person

  1. To apply to be eligible for an application for Customs Broker Clerk Identification, you must submit an application through the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA). You can find the JCA contact information on this JCA Contacts Link.
  2. Download the customs broker’s identification form at JCA office. JCA Office or you can download it on the JCA website Applications Forms link (please search for “Application to obtain a Broker Clerk’s Identification”).
  3. Fill out the application form in two copies and then compose an application letter that explains the reason for your application. Attach it on complete the form.
  4. Make the other documents required in the “Required Documents” section below. Attach these to your application as one document.
  5. Check out in the JCA office and send an application through the Director’s Office. of Customs House Operations.
  6. The application will be reviewed to determine if it’s fully completed as per the requirements and whether you meet the conditions to be evaluated.
  7. Then , the application will be sent onto the Customs Broker Licensing Advisory Board (CBLAB) to be reviewed and further consideration before proceeding with further processing.
  8. Applications will be screened by the board before the board will submit their recommendations to the commissioner to be approved by the commissioner.
  9. The commissioner will take a vote on the board’s recommendation before granting the authorization for the issuance of the ID of the broker clerk.
  10. Then, you will be informed of the decision of the commissioner via your contact details, and you will be required to pay the applicable processing fee.
  11. After the payment of processing charges the clerk’s identity is processed, and will be issued to you.

Required Documents For Apply for Broker Clerk identity (ID) 

  • Fill out the application form.
  • Written application letter.
  • Two photos verified by an Justice of the Peace.
  • Evidence of residence Proof of Residence Jamaica (Recent utility Bill and so on).
  • Police records that are valid.
  • Academic qualification documents.

Office Locations and Contacts

Customs House
Myers Wharf,
Newport East, Kingston 15
Phone: 876 922 5140-8 | 922 8770-3

Corporate Office
4 – King Street,
Phone: 876 948 5151
Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 5:30pm Friday between 8:00am and 4:00pm.
Contact details link


Jamaican residents and citizens are qualified to apply.


Its cost for the ID is $1,500 per year.


The ID is valid for a year.

Documents to Utilize

Application form Link

The Information You Need

  • Name.
  • Details of the applicant.
  • Information on employment.
  • Declaration .

The Document is required

The ID of the customs broker clerk confirms that you are an authorized clerk as per law.

External Links




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