How to Obtain Sports Fishing Licence (permit) In Uganda

Obtain Sports Fishing Licence (permit) In Uganda By Online

  1. To be eligible for the process you need to submit an application by mail to the chief fisheries official before filling out an application form available from the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Animal Industry.
  2. Complete the application form, and send your application to Department of Fisheries and Natural Resources at the Ministry of Agriculture animal industry and Fisheries.
  3. Pay the application fee. Pay attention that payments are accepted in cheque, cash or credit card i.e. Visa or MasterCard If you are making a payment by cheque, please send the cheque to the Accountant General.
  4. After receiving the application and payment after receiving the payment and application, the department will review your application in accordance with the requirements and provide you feedback through the contact details you have provided when submitting your request.
  5. The department will review the application and will then accept the application for licensure.
  6. The license will then be processed and will be issued to you.

Required Documents For Obtain Sports Fishing Licence

  • The completed application form.
  • Customs Clearance documents.
  • Contact directly with the Department of Fisheries and Natural Resources for any additional information in the ministry of Agriculture animal industry and fisheries.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. (MAAIF)Directorate of Fisheries
Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources
Lugard Avenue Entebbe
P.O. Box 102 Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 320 006
Mail Address:
Web site: Ministry of Agriculture


An applicant must be involved in Sports fishing in order to receive the license, however they must be at least 18 years old and over.


  • Application fee: 10,000 Ugshs.
  • Licence Fee Permit 150,000Ugshs.
  • Renewal cost 150,000 Ugshs.


The length for the permit’s validity is set by the person who applies. Permits can be granted on a per-trip basis or on an annual basis, but is usually is valid for one year.

Documents to Utilize

Application Form

Processing Time

The license will be issued on the same date.


  • If you are applying for the Sport Fishing Licence, both Customs and Immigration formalities must be completed prior to when the license is issued.
  • Licenses can be obtained at the Uganda Customs Officer at the time of entry or at the Department of Marine Resources after the entry.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the vessel
  • Registration number
  • Name of Captain
  • Contacts for local and permanent
  • Contacts
  • Crew members
  • Vessel Description
  • Signature and declaration

Documentation is needed

The purpose the purpose of this permits is regulate the recreational activities, mainly tourism and sport fishing in the waters bodies.

Information that can be useful

  • The Sport Fishing Permit is a permit granted to foreign-owned vessels to engage in fishing activities for sport within Ugandan waters. This guideline provides details on how to get the permit.
  • Uganda also includes Lakes such as George, Edward, Albert and Kyoga. These water bodies offer fantastic opportunities for sport fishing.
  • Uganda has more than 350 fish species. Two of the most popular species that are commercially caught are Tilapia as well as the Nile Perch. Other varieties of fish include the Protoperus, Rastrinabola, lung fish and catfish.
  • Fishing has become a popular sport in Uganda since the beginning of the 1990’s, and is now among the top activities in Uganda.
  • It is a great sport for bonding with family members or gathering as group of buddies. It is not necessary to have previous experience with fishing to participate in this activity.

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