How To Apply for Change of Gender for Identity (DNI/Documento Nacional de Identidad) In Argentina

How To Apply for Change of Gender for Identity (DNI/Documento Nacional de Identidad) In Argentina

  • The applicants must first correct the gender and name stated in their birth Certificate. This is done at the closest Registry in the area where the applicant resides.
  • Once they have obtained the Birth Certificate with the updated data, the applicant could request for a change in the gender shown within the DNI.
  • Contact the Registry for more information or the Documentation Center to apply for an ID. If you reside within the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires you can visit the Management and Participation Centers, or you can apply for an identification at the Quick Center of the Ministry of Interior and Transportation. If you’ve already registered somewhere else in Argentina, you may visit the following Quick Documentation Centers in order to complete the process in your Civil Registry delegations of their respective cities or districts.
  • The new ID card will be sent directly to the address provided by the person applying for it, via certified mail, following the receipt of the application proof. The postal service will call the address twice. undeliverable ID’s will be delivered to the location that processed the application which will make it ready for pick-up.

Documents that are required Change of Gender for Identity (DNI/Documento Nacional de Identidad)

  • DNI is to be fixed.
  • Birth Certificates that are certified

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Interior and Transport

May 25 101/145 C1002ABC – Buenos Aires

Phone Numbers for Contact: (54 11) 4339-0800


Email Contact Form:

Management and Participation Centers

Quick Documentation Centres

Civil Registration Offices


  • Processing Fees: Free


A new DNI issued to citizens older than 14 years old, Argentine or a foreign national Valid to fifteen years after the date it was issued.

Processing Time

ID’s will be sent within 15 days after the application process has been completed.

The document is needed

In Argentina, the Law on Gender Identity enables individuals to alter their names and the genders of official documents without needing approval by a judge or doctor.

Information that can be useful

Gender Identity Law

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The law stipulates that everyone has the right to:

  • To be recognized for their gender identity
  • In the pursuit of a free growth of their individual as per their gender identity
  • To be treated in accordance with their gender identity and, in particular to be recognized as such in documents that establish their identity in relation to their first name/s/image and sex data recorded.

For more information:

How To Apply for Change of Gender for Identity (DNI/Documento Nacional de Identidad) In Argentina
How To Apply for Change of Gender for Identity (DNI/Documento Nacional de Identidad) In Argentina

Other uses for the document/certificate

An ID card can be a form of identification that is utilized for all private and public transactions, including immigration, banking, lobbying trade, public finance social security and even for voting.

External Links

  • The process of obtaining an ID
  • Requirements:
  • Commonly asked Questions:

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