How To Apply for Child Passport In Canada

How To Apply for Child Passport In Canada


Canadian in Canada

Canadian within the United States

Canadian Abroad

Non-Canadians in Canada

Submitting your application

By Mail

Utilizing a verified courier or traceable mail service will reduce the processing times of applications as well as aid in protecting your documents. By mail
Passport Canada
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Gatineau QC K1A 0G3
By Courier
Passport Canada
22 de Varennes Street
Gatineau QC J8T 8R1

in Person

  • In an Passport Canada office:

  • In a participating Service Canada or Canada Post Passport receiving agent
(Canada Post is charged an additional fee of $20 + taxes applicable per passport request.) Passport receiving agents do not accept all kinds of passport applications.
Notice:If you submit your application in person, it is best to make it yourself. If this isn’t feasible you can submit it in person by a reputable third person. You must be 16 years old or the age of majority to submit applications in person. An acceptable third Party
The application could be submitted by a third party if they:

  • Show identification,
  • are aged 16 or older.
  • You can choose to:
    • parent,
    • child,
    • the spouse of the parent or common law partner,
    • The child’s spouse or common law partner,
    • spouse or common law partner,
    • Common-law partner’s spouse:
    • parent,
    • Common-law spouse of parents,
    • child or
    • the child’s spouse or common law partner.

The individuals listed above could or might not have your address. In any case the individual must present evidence of identification. If the ID doesn’t confirm that the person lives with you, he must also provide an unsigned statement from you, authorizing him / him to complete the passport application.

Any family member who lives at your address may also make an application on behalf of you in the event that they:

  • Are 16 years old or older and
  • They must show proof of identity that confirms the address of their residence. If the ID shown doesn’t include an address, additional documentation to prove that the individual lives in the exact same location as you be required.

Passport delivery or pickup

When it is ready, your passport (and the original documents that you have submitted) will be sent to you via tracked mail, at least if you have applied in person at an Passport Canada office and made arrangements for pick-up when you submitted your application (extra charges apply). A third party is able to take your passport on behalf of an applicant , if an authorization in writing from the applicant has been provided.

After you have received your passport for your child, you will be able to sign it.

Check that the information on the passport are correct Particularly the child’s personal details. If you find any mistakes you need to make contact with Passport Canada immediately to have the issue corrected.

Signature on passports of children

  • Parents should never take a passport photo of a child.
  • Children aged 11 or older must sign the passport with ink inside the block of signatures on page 3.. Only if their signature is on page 2 on the passport. If not this signature section on page 3 must be left unmarked.
  • Children who are younger than 11 years age cannot sign their passports. The section for signatures on page 3 has to be left empty.

Contact information for emergency and address

  • Complete the section in the 4th page. In the event of an emergency We recommend that you select an individual who will not normally accompany the child.
  • If the emergency contact or address changes, make sure to note down the information that is not there and then add the new information to the above space. Use no correction fluid. If there’s not enough room on the 4th page, note the updated data on another sheet of paper and then insert it inside the passport.

Children in Foster Care

(Or during the adoption process (or in the process of adoption Canada)
Based on the relationship of the applicant in relation to their child passport application form has to be completed with at least one of the following documents:

  • Form PPTC 463A when the applicant is the director of Family Services, social worker or child protection worker (
  • Form PPTC 463B when the applicant is the foster parent or the parent (
  • Form PPTC 463C when the applicant is the licensee or representative of a licensed adoption agency (
  • The forms PPTC 463A PPTC 463B, and PPTC 463C outline the documents that must be submitted with the application along with the necessary information, based on the relationship between the applicant and the child. The forms also define who is the guarantor in relation to the applicant, as well as the information that the guarantor has to be required to provide.
  • These forms PPTC 463A PPTC 463B and PPTC 463C have to be completed fully (no sections left unfilled) by the person who is responsible for it and should always be completed with a child General Passport Application Form (PPTC 155 PDF, 423 KB, or PDF).
  • When submitting form PPTC 463A PPTC 463B and PPTC 463C, you must only fill in the sections that follow on the Child General Passport Application Form (PPTC 155 (PDF, 423KB, or pptc 155):
  • Section 1Child’s Personal Data;
  • Section 2: Information about the applicant
  • Two of the questions and
  • the information about the applicant (parent or guardian) and the Other parents or legal guardianships should be filled out by the child’s legal guardian or parent (other that the Director or director of Family Services or the adoptive parent(s)) in the event that the parent/legal guardian is in charge or parental authority, or shares custody with adoptive parents;
  • Previous Section Canadian Travel Document
  • The Section 4Proof for Canadian Citizenship; and
  • Section Credit Card Details If applicable.

Instructions for additional use
If the applicant:

  • the parent, and is the legal guardian of the child.
  • is the guardian legal of the child, other that the Director of Family Services or an adoptive parent(s) or the adoptive parent(s)
  • Only fill out the child General Passport Application Form (PPTC 155 (PDF, 423 KB, PDF).).

If, however, the parent making the application is not official guardian or doesn’t have parental authority for the child the following documents must be attached to the completed application form as well as other documents:

  • A letter from the child’s legal guardian, or someone who is the parent authority, authorizing the person applying for the passport of the child, as well as authorizing release of passport the child;
  • A copy of the agreement or court order relating in the relationship in Family Services with the child in the event that such an order or agreement exists. If an order from the courts or agreement can’t be sent the Passport Canada Passport Canada for confidentiality reasons The passport application should include a brief summary of the order or agreement that are signed by the director of family services or by the agency’s lawyer. The summary must include:
    • the child’s legal guardian or the person with parental authority
    • If a clause restricting mobility is in place, and if it does what the implications are; and
    • the date and the number of the court order in the event that it is the court order is able to be dated and number, if.
  • In the case of a probationary adoption an official letter from the Director in Family Services confirming that the child is in the adoption process, along with an address of prospective adoptive parents;
  • In the event of private probationary adoptions it is necessary to have a custody contract was signed by the child’s biological parents and future adoptive parents during the course that the procedure for adoption is in place in the event that an agreement is signed.

Adopted Children from the United States

  • Visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada for more information on national citizenship as well as international adoption.
  • People who are adopted in another country by Canadian citizens can be granted citizenship if the adoption meets certain conditions. Adopted individuals from abroad who receive Canadian citizenship are eligible for Canadian passport services.

Relocating in Canada along with an adoptive child

  • If you’re traveling abroad and want to apply for an Canadian passport in order to return home to Canada together with an adopted child A passport application should be made at the Government of Canada office abroad when the adopted child has been given Canadian citizenship.
  • NOTE: You should submit your passport application to the Government of Canada office that granted the citizenship as well as that office of the Government of Canada office responsible for issuance of passports Canadian citizens in the country in which the adoptee lives (if there is a difference).

Adopted individuals who are younger than 16 years old

For children who are younger than 16 years old Adoptive parents must be present.

What Are All The Eligibility

People who are eligible to apply:

  • One of the child’s parents,
  • The custodial parent in case of divorce or separation or
  • A legal guardian (proof of legal guardianship needs to be supplied).

Note: All legal parents or guardians must fill out on the form of application. If you submit your form in person The parent or legal guardian, or authorized third party can make applications in person for the child. Passport Canada may also contact any other parent or legal guardian.

Documentation is needed

Every child who travels in any way, including infants and newborns must have a documents for travel or passports. This section provides additional information and resources specifically related to child passports as well as child passport applications.



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