How to Apply for Construction or building Permit In Uganda

Apply for Construction or building Permit In Uganda By Online

  1. Someone who wants to conduct any building work must submit a written request for approval from the Building Committee in the area in which he is planning to execute the construction operation, in order to get the building permit.
  2. Send all the necessary documents with the Building Control officer, who will examine your application. If all information is in order, the officer will approve and forward an application for approval to the committee on building. They will review and approve your application.
  3. Should the Building Control officers reject the application, he/she will provide reasons in writing in support of the decision to reject

Procedure for issuance of a building permit

  1. An Building Committee may, upon receiving the application, issue a building permit., examine and approve your application. If all the information is correct you will receive an building permit for the person who submitted it within 30 days of the acceptance of the application, subject to payment of the recommended license costs.
  2. In the event that it is determined that the Building Committee is unable to make a decision within 30 days, it will inform an applicant by writing the fact within 14 days from when the building committee’s meeting took place. Committee and will provide in the notice the reasonable time frame within which it is in a position to make an agreement, but in all cases, not more than sixty days after the date of receipt of the request.


  1. The Building Committee may refuse to issue a permit in the case of the building activity is the subject of which the permit has been sought for
  2. If it is determined that the Building Committee rejects an application for an approval The Committee must, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the application, inform the applicant with reasons in writing in writing, the reason.
  3. If a person’s application is rejected in May, and after amending it in the manner requested to be required by the Building Committee, submit it to the Building Committee for reconsideration.

Required Documents For Apply for Construction or building Permit

  1. The application must include the name, postal and physical address for the person applying.
  2. Include the title of the land or another evidence of ownership of the property.
  3. If the applicant isn’t an owner of the property on which the construction operation will be conducted Include names of owner of the land, the title or any other evidence of ownership of the land as well as a statement about the lawful relationship that exists between the owner and the person applying for the building.
  4. Include the registration number, name and an original copy of the practice certification of an architect as well as the signature of the architect, and the official stamp of the Uganda Society of Architects and for an engineer, a proof of good structural practice.
  5. Be accompanied by the number of copies of plans for building and other documents as are required by the regulations.
  6. Incorporate a letter from Chairman for the Village Council of the area where the construction operation is planned to take place.
  7. When the building or structure is multi-story, or construction, the application must contain
    (a) A structural design and plan that are stamped by an engineer registered with the structural engineering profession, with the name of the engineer, his registration number and signature, along with a copy of the registration certificate, and an exact copy of the calculations for structural design
    (b) Geotechnical study conducted by a laboratory for geotechnical research that has been accredited by the ministry that is responsible for work and certified by an accredited geotechnical engineer
    (c) If there are excavations or excavations, the design for the support structure of soil as well as protection of structures adjacent to it approved by an authorized structural or geotechnical engineer.

Office Locations and Contacts

Kampala Capital City AuthorityPhone +256 204 66000 +256 414 581294
Physical Address Plot 3 Sir AppoloKaggwa Road
The address for the postal envelope is PO BOX 7010 Kampala, Uganda
The Jurisdiction of Kampala Capital City
Contact Email:
Site: KCCA

Operating hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm (excluding the weekend and public holidays)
Instructions for Getting There: View Directions


  • Uganda landowners or people who wants to construct an structure in Uganda


Licences cost

(a) (a) 1,000 Ugx for each square meter of floor or area coverage
(b) (b) 59,000 Ugx to build boundary walls in flat cost
(c) (c) Ugx for each floor of a structural structure for buildings that need plans for structural design.


  • The duration is specified.

Documents to Utilize

Applications forms

Processing Time

  • Processing time is one month.


A request of a building license should be submitted on a form that is that is prescribed by the Board and must include the following information

  1. the name, address and postal address of the person who is applying
  2. must be accompanied by the land title or any other evidence of the ownership of the land
  3. in the event that the applicant isn’t in possession of the land upon which the construction operation is planned to be completed include names of the landowner, the title of the land or other evidence of ownership of the land, and a declaration that outlines the relationship legal between landowner and the owner of the property
  4. Include the name of the applicant, registration number and duplicate of the practising document of the architect, his or her signature and the official stamp of the Uganda Society of Architects and for an engineer, a proof of good structural practice.
  5. Included in the form of copies of building plans as well as other documents that may be required by the regulations and
  6. Incorporate a letter from chairperson from the Village Council of the area where the construction operation is planned to take place.

When the structure includes a multiple-storied structure building, the application must contain

  1. the structural design and plans which are signed by an registered structural engineer, with the registration number, name and signature, a copy the registration certificate, and an original copy of the calculations for structural design
  2. A geotechnical report prepared by a laboratory that has been approved by the ministry that is responsible for the work and approved by an engineer registered in geotechnical engineering.
  3. In the event of excavations or excavations, the design for the support structure of soil as well as protection of adjacent structures must be approved by an authorized geotechnical engineer or structural engineer.

The Information You Need

  1. Name of the person who is applying for landownership or applicant
  2. Address of physical location for landowner/applicant
  3. Land Tittle deed
  4. A structural design and plan that are stamped by an registered structural engineer, with his or her name, registered number, and the signature of the engineer.
  5. A copy of the registration certificate as well as an original copy of the structural design calculations
  6. A geotechnical report
  7. The letter LC1

The Document is required

  • A person who intends to carry out a building operation should have a valid construction/building permit failure commits an offence and is liable to conviction or fine or both

Information that could be helpful

Order to stop construction operation

  1. Building Committees Building Committee may, by written notice, require anyone to stop building operations
    (a) in which the building process is performed in a manner that

    • This is in contradiction to the regulations of the Act as well as the Code and
    • Not in compliance with the hygiene and sanitation standards set forth by regulations.
    (b) When the structure is one that the public is required to have access but is not able to provide access to persons who are disabled, as is provided by the Accessibility Standards.
    (c) (c) if it is discovered during the construction process that the construction site is

    • susceptible to flooding or
    • It has a weak drainage system.
  2. When an Building Committee issues a notice to an individual, the Committee may require that person to implement remedial actions to the satisfaction of the Building Committee before continuing with the building process.
  3. Anyone who is unable, without cause to obey the terms of a warning issued is guilty of an offense and is subject in the event of conviction, to a fine that is not to exceed seventy-five points of currency or a sentence not exceeding 3 years or both.

External Link


Appeal against decisions of the Building Committee

  1. A person who is unhappy with the decision of the Building Committee Building Committee may appeal to the Board within thirty days from the date that the person is notified that the Building Committee has made a decision. Building Committee.
  2. A request for an appeal must be made in written form by the applicant or an agent for the person who is the petitioner.
  3. When the Building Committee fails to issue an building permit within the time frame specified the applicant is entitled to make an appeal before the Board.
  4. The appeals right to the Board is not a snuff to the right of the applicant to appeal to the courts of law. the court can decide to confirm, reverse or alter an appeal decision by the Board.



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