How to Apply for Driver License in Hong Kong

Apply for Driver License in Hong Kong

Request a Learner’s Driving License.

Light goods vehicle

  • Apply for TD555 and
  • Send it to the licensing office of your choice.

Motor Cycle (first first)

  • Join a designated driving school to take a compulsory training program to gain the fundamental knowledge and abilities to operate a motorbike;
  • You must pass the written test as well as test your competence. Competence Test (Part B Test);
  • to apply for a motorbike learner’s license within two years of having passed the Competence Test (Part B Test);
  • Fill out an application form TD555 and
  • Send it to the licensing office of your choice.

Motorcycle (re-application)

  • Apply for TD555 ; and
  • Submit it to the licensing office.

Commercial cars (including articulated vehicles)

  • Possessing a valid driving license that is valid to drive a personal car or light-goods vehicle for a minimum of 3 years immediately prior to the date of his application, or possessing an authentic full driving permit issued after the expiration of the probationary period, allowing him to drive either a private vehicle or light-goods vehicle at least two years immediately prior to the date of the application date;
  • Fill out an application form TD556;
  • In order to drive an articulated vehicle the applicant must possess a valid full-time driving licence for medium-sized vehicles or heavy goods (depending on the vehicle’s permissible weights of goods) and
  • The application should be sent by mail addressed to Transport Department, P. O. Box No. 79 Shatin Central Post Office.

Application Form TD555:

Application Form TD556:

Schedule a Driving Test appointment.

For driving tests for private automobiles and light goods vehicles

  • Fill out an application form Complete a TD82 application form; and
  • Send this the form to Hong Kong Licensing Office or Kowloon Licensing Office

For driving tests for motorbikes

  • You must enroll at a designated driving school to take a compulsory instruction course to acquire the fundamental knowledge and abilities to control a motor bike. After the completion of the course the school will conduct tests in the form of a written exam (Part A Test) and Competence Test (Part B Test) for students.
  • After having passed this Competence Test (Part B Test) After passing the Competence Test (Part B Test), you are able to take the road-test (Part C Test) appointment either on your own or with a driving school that is designated; and
  • If you would like to take the test by yourself, notify the driving school of your plans and a road test date will be sent to the address you specify through the Transport Department by post.

for driving tests of commercial automobiles (including articulated vehicles)

  • You can submit your application for a driving test on commercial vehicles when you submit your application for a learner’s driver licence for vehicles used in commercial operations.
  • Apply for a TD321 on the form. TD321 and
  • Send it via post and mail it to Transport Department, P. O. Box No. 79 Shatin Central Post Office.

by GovHK

  • An applicant with a valid permit can make an appointment online to take the test on roads for commercial cars, or to retake the examination for vehicles that are commercial, or taxi written tests by going to the GovHK’s websiteat

Application Form TD82:
Application Form TD321:

Pass a Driving Test

  • The driving tests for different classes of vehicles differ. You must pass each part of an examination to pass before you can submit a formal application for your driver’s license (except for motor tricycle and motor tricycles, as well as private vehicle and light goods vehicles).
  • Tests for driving for various class of vehicles are laid out in the following sections:
    • Private vehicle:
      • Exam written (Part Of) regarding the Road User Code and
      • Road Test (Part B Exam and Part C test).
    • Light goods vehicle
      • Exam written (Part of a Test) regarding the Road User Code; and
      • Test on the road (Part B Exam and Part C Exam).
    • Motorcycle
      • Test written (Part Of) in the road User Code
      • Test of competence (Part of the B test) is conducted by the driving school designated and
      • Road Test (Part C Test).
    • Taxi
      • Written exam on the Road Users Code, understanding of places in Hong Kong and general legal requirements for taxis operating.
    • Other vehicle classes
      • Road test
  • If you pass the test written (Part A Test), you won’t be required to take the test when applying to be licensed in other categories of vehicle or
  • If you choose to enroll in an approved driving school that was established according to the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap.374) You are required to follow the school’s rules and pass the tests that are set at the discretion of your school.

Apply to apply for Probationary Driver’s License.

  • Apply for a TD590. TD590; and
  • Send it to the licensing office of your choice.

Application Form TD590:

Apply for an full driving License.

All kinds of automobiles (except for vehicles that are specially designed)

  • Apply for a TD557 on the form. TD557 •
  • Send it to the licensing office of your choice.

For vehicles with special needs

  • Complete two forms of application TD321 or TD557;
  • Make sure you fill out a declaration form to register a the vehicle with special purpose; and
  • Send them to the licensing office.

Application Form TD557:
Application Form TD321:

Required Documents For Driver License

The process of applying for a Learner’s Driving License

  • Hong Kong Identity Card for Hong Kong residents, while the relevant passport or travel document for non-Hong Kong residents.
  • Address evidence (residential address and address for correspondence) was issued in the past 3 months (e.g. water/electricity/gas/mobile phone bill or bank correspondence);
  • Medical Examination Report Form TD256 filled out by a licensed medical professional (only for those who are 70 and above);
  • Test of Competence Test (Part B) Pass Certificate (for the first time for motor cycles only);
  • Road Test (Part C) appointment letter (for the re-application of motor cycles only) as well as

The fee is required (you can inquire at the counters for enquiries of licensing offices or via the 1823 Call Centre Refer to the table of fees for licences (TD341) in the offices of licensing or go to Transport Departure.

What are all the Eligibility

Private Car and Motorbike, Light Goods Vehicle and Motorcycle

  • Age 18 or older Age 18 or above
  • Physically fit enough to drive
  • Pass the driving test that is relevant to you.

Commercial Vehicles

  • Age 21 or over;
  • Physically fit enough to drive
  • Possessing a valid and complete driving license to drive a private vehicle and light vehicle a minimum of three years prior to the date of application or
  • Possessing a valid and complete driving licence issued after the completion of the probationary period that permits the driver to operate an automobile for personal use or a small goods vehicles for a minimum of 2 years prior to the date of the application date;
  • Not been found guilty for Section 36 (Causing death due to reckless driver), Section 36A (Causing grievous bodily harm through dangerous motoring), Section 39 (Driving an automobile under the impaired by alcohol or hazardous substances), Section 39A (Driving, trying to drive or being the driver of an automobile with an alcohol levels that are above the set limits), Section 39B (Screening breath tests), Section 39C (Provision of samples for analysis), Section 39J (Driving motor vehicle with no proper control when under the influence of certain illicit substances), Section 39K (Driving motor vehicle when there is a high concentration of specified illicit drugs), Section 39L (Driving motor vehicle in violation of proper control while under the influence of drugs other than the prohibited substance), Section 39O(1) (Failure to submit to a preliminary drug screening) as well as Section 39S (Failure to submit a specimen of urine or blood) from the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374) in the 5 years preceding the filing or
  • In accordance with regulations 11 and 15 in the Road Traffic (Driving Licenses) Regulations, Cap.374B, applicant for a full driving license to operate a motor commercial vehicle class(es) has to be a owner of an Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card or the holder of an Hong Kong Identity Card (other than one that is not a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card) and is not subject to any restriction of stay, other than the stay limit as stipulated by Section 2(1) of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap.115). The applicant must present a an identity document to verify their identity.
  • Take the appropriate driving test if it is required.

Articulated Vehicle

  • In addition to the requirements applicable to commercial vehicles, a person applying must possess an official full driving licence for medium goods vehicles as well as high-quality vehicles (depending upon the car’s permissible gross weight).

Special Purpose Vehicle

  • In addition to the requirements applicable to commercial vehicles, the applicant must also have a valid driving licence that permits the driver to operate a vehicle that has the same gross weight as the vehicle designated for special use under application.

Additional Requirements for applicants aged 70 and Above

For people who are 70 years old or over They must complete a form called TD256, which reads “Medical exam for applicants who is 70 years old or over to obtain an adult or learner’s driving license”. This form should be completed by a registered physician and the date of issuance cannot exceed four months from the date of the application. The form is available at the nearest Licensing Office or the Transport Department’s website.

The Document is required

A driver’s licence is an official permit that allows the Hong Kong citizen to drive in public.



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