How to Apply for Employment and Social Security (CTPS for Foreigners) In Botswana

 Apply for Employment and Social Security (CTPS for Foreigners) In Botswana By Online

  • Visit the Regional Director of Labor and Employment, substation workplace or service station to fill out an application. To view locations
  • CTPS can be obtained after receipt of all the necessary documents.

Required Documents For Apply for Employment and Social Security (CTPS for Foreigners)

  • Two (2) recent photos of 3×4 (colored white background including or not including a date)
  • Documentation of residency

The Original Document and the Copy

Documents required for specific situations:

How to Apply for Employment and Social Security (CTPS for Foreigners) In Botswana
How to Apply for Employment and Social Security (CTPS for Foreigners) In Botswana

Office Locations and Contacts

To view locations

Ministries Esplanade

Block F CEP 70056-900

Braslia – DF Phone: (61) 2031-6000

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 – 18:00


This document is available for request by foreigners in the conditions listed below:

  • permanent asylum and permanent
  • Border
  • refugee who is not a migrant with or without an identity Card abroad
  • Sportsmen or artists
  • Teachers, scientists, technicians or other professionals under the contract system used by Brazil’s government. Brazilian government.


  • This process is cost-free.

Examples of Documents

Check out an example of CTPS 1.

Check out an example of CTPS 2


To apply, applicants need to visit an office of Regional Labor and Employment (SRTE) Substations or substations or at service centers.

The Document is required

Anyone who provides services, whether be it in commerce, industry or livestock, as well as agriculture, domestic, need to get a certificate known as Carteira de Trabalho e Previdncia Social (CTPS).

The issue of Employment and Social Security – CTPS for legal residents of foreign countries in Brazil will take place at the head office of the Regional Labour and Employment.

For foreign applicants seeking to apply to apply for their first application MTE will also make the first application. MTE will also complete your registration on the PIS or PASEP.

External Links

  • Carteira de Trabalho e Previdncia Social – CTPS:



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