How to Water Connection In Botswana

Water Connection In Botswana By Yourself

  1. For an application for water connection the applicant must visit the closest Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) branch agency close to where the residence is and make an inquiry in the front desk of the customer support department. (Address information is listed under the “Office Addresses & Locations” section on this webpage).
  2. Candidates are required to fill in the entire forms Formulary for application to New Water Connection, those who apply as a business, they must also be able to submit the Affidavit For Water Supply Water Application form The forms can be obtained for free by contacting the desk of one of WUC branch offices, or you can you can download them from the WUC website at this link Link (select (select Connection
  3. How to Water Connection In Botswana
    How to Water Connection In Botswana
  4. Application form (select Connection Application form Agreement for Supply Water Application form) or directly download it via this link Link { Application form to apply for New Water Connection } , Link { Water Application Form – Agreement for Water Supply Water Application form |•|*} (for solely for companies)
    • NOTE The application form must be completed according to the “Instruction “section that is mentioned on the application form.
  5. WUC Front Desk Officer and other officers are available to assist applicants. WUC Front Desk Officer and other officers are on hand to help every applicant understand how to fill out the application correctly.
  6. Attach all required documents (see the document required further below) to the form. Then, submit the completed form at WUC agent. WUC agent.
  7. The agent will then check that all necessary documents and information have been supplied and that the applications meet the criteria for selection. If everything is in order, the dossier will be recorded with the application and applicants will receive an acknowledgement note with the specifics of the application.
    • The customer is asked to call back or contact us within 7 days to get a quote.
  8. The application file is sent to the technical department to study. Then it is reviewed by the technical department and the quantity surveyors unit.
  9. The WUC team of surveyors will be sent to the residence to assess its viability and to write a written report.
  10. The report is then verified by the technical representative, who will then issue the receipt that will indicate an estimate of price of the materials used to connect the layout pipe to the primary water pipeline.
  11. The file and payment receipt is then sent at the desk of reception to be given to the customer, who decides when and how to pay an arrangement fee.
  12. Customer is asked to pay quote fee and the security deposit that is refundable (in the case of a business) in full ) or 3 months in installments (note it is important to note that the meters will be installed following complete payment). The cost of installation may differ based on the area of the installation. Customers are advised to purchase their groceries at the counter in order to avoid delays.
  13. If you accept to make complete payment If you agree to pay in full, the WUC receptionist fills out the form, signs it and forwards it to the manager of customer service for their signature.
  14. The file is stored on the computer and it is sent to the cash register , where you will be instructed to pay using the receipt for connection.
  15. When you pay, you’ll receive a receipt for payment and an original contract copy.
  16. The file is sent to accounting to assist with the journaling of receipts. Another copy is then sent to technical service , and the third copy is kept with customer service.
  17. The technical service staff will visit the home for exterior work, installation of meters, and water flow in 7 days.
  18. Once you have completed the installation forms for meter installation is issued your technical support team. Once completed, signed and put in your account. The completed form is transferred to reception for updating and billing.

Web-based application

  1. The applicant may also submit a water connection request online through the WUC website using this link: Link
  2. Complete the mandatory fields correctly and then upload all supporting documents on the site, and answer the security math test, then click the SUBMIT tab.
  3. After you have submitted your request successfully, you will receive a confirmation email through the WUC website to confirm the request is being considered.

Required Documents For Water Connection

Privat Individuals

  • ID card (OMANG) (Botswana citizens) or Passport (Non-citizens)
  • Certificate of Rights or Letter of Allocation, Lease Agreement
  • Document regarding Matrimonial Status (Where appropriate)


  • Company Registration Certificate
  • Certificate of Rights or Letter of Allocation, Lease Agreement
  • Official Stamp

Govt. / Embassies / Consulates

  • Accompanying Letter written on official letterhead stamped with an official stamp.
  • Evidence of ownership (allocation letter)

Office Locations and Contacts

Water Utilities Corporation (WUC)
Head Office
Address: Sedibeng house, Plot 17530, Luthuli Road
Address for postal delivery Address: Postal address:
Tel: (+226) 360 4400
Fax: (+226) 397 3852
WUC Branches Contact details link:Link


  • The applicants will receive an invoice receipt that identifies the amount that must be to be


  • The duration of the connection will last forever, unless the customer fails in paying the bills for water. This could result in the disconnection to the water supply.

Processing Time

  • The installation of the meter processing time is seven days, starting from the date of payment for the estimate.

Requirements Information

  • The details of the applicant
  • Contact details
  • Directions to your destination (where you are needed)
  • Kind of basis
  • The supply category
  • Supply needs to be made available by the date specified in the supply
  • Title deed number
  • Address of the business or company (where appropriate)
  • Identification document number
  • The applicant’s declaration

The document is needed

  • Person/business/company that wishes to obtain a water connection in Botswana should head to any of the water utilities corporation offices to apply.

External Links

  • WUC website: Link



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